Process XML handling and export / import
Hi guys,
Here and there I see now very often when people are not able to post their process XML correctly. Instead, they copy-paste the process design window, which still produces some XML when pasted into text area, but it's broken and can't be re-created as a process.
I may assume, that the core issue is that many users can't correctly understand the parallel between process workflow and XML code. This might sound really weird but the issue might be about violating the main principle of 'code-free data science'! So, as there is initially no visible code beneath the process workflow, it might not be obvious that there's still a way to obtain (and share) this code. And I suppose that this is again the main reason why people are sharing direct process copy, and not and XML code.
Do you think buttons like 'Export process to file' and 'Import process from file' would help in this common issue, if they do explicitly what they state: save a valid XML copy of a process to a file and vice versa? Again, getting back to the paradigm of acode-free environment, the requirement to cut and past anXML codejust leads to a misunderstanding.
Please elaborate?
yup completely agree!!
thats exactly what we have with Export Process and Import Process located under file?
Dortmund, Germany
Well, technically, it is
But! from product / UX point of view, it is not working that way: it looks like some technical function and is totally not clear to end users, judging by the number of occurences when users cut and paste broken XMLs. So the idea is to make it much more transparent and user friendly. Maybe this needs just a bit more wide product-wise approach
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