Error in loading stored data after cluster from repository

sebastian_gonzasebastian_gonza RapidMiner Certified Analyst, MemberPosts:52Guru
edited December 2018 inHelp


我做了一个集群,现在有我的啊riginal raw data with the clusters appended, when I try to look at it by clicking it shows the first error, later when I put it in a workflow for further processing it show second error, I dont know how to fix it, please help

error 1.pngerror 2.png

Best Answer

  • sebastian_gonzasebastian_gonza RapidMiner Certified Analyst, MemberPosts:52Guru
    Solution Accepted

    I guess it did not work because I was tranforming variables instead of using the operators to do it, when I used the operators it worked.




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