服务器does not start after clean install on windows 10
I tried to install Rapidminer Server right now (Clean first install). The installation went without errors (Except, that I could barely read anything on the dialogs due to no support for HighRes Profiles)
But when I try to run the server using "standalone.bat" I get bombed with error messages. I will append some Screenshots for this.
My environment:
- Windows 10 Latest updates
- jre1.8.0_172
- Database connector: mysql-connector-java-5.1.46 (Test in setup process was successful)
- MySQL Server: Server version: 5.7.21-log MySQL Community Server (GPL)
If you need further details, just ask me.
Any help appreciated :smileyhappy:
I want to append some more messages that appear in the server CLI (since I am not able to EDIT anymore):
This looks like JBOSS is making some kind of trouble and does not start / is not available. What could possibly go wrong on my site for this to happen?
Any help appreciated
Hi. Could you please attach the full Server log? There's not enough information in the screenshots. The log is here:
[installation path]\standalone\log\server.log
On the first picture (error_1.png) the JobAgent log is displayed. The error messages "Could not refresh JMS connection..." mean that the connection to RapidMiner Server cannot be made. These messages are normal during startup, since the Server needs a little bit longer to start than the JobAgent.
Regarding the second picture (error_2.png): Right next to the Timestamp is the info regarding the type of log entry. The entries displayed on this picture are of type "INFO" which means you can safely ignore them.
Nevertheless, in the second post you entered an error message indeed pointing to a startup error of RapidMiner Server. A first guess leads that the Port on which you installed RapidMiner Server is already occupied. Maybe you can check that?
For a more detailed investigation please post the logfile as@jpuentealready mentioned.
Happy Mining,
I think I found the problem meanwhile:
It was due to the binding to the Host. The default value (Computer Name) in the setup does not work. I reinstalled the server and changed that value to "localhost" manually. The Server now seems to start. I will still append you the old Server log if you want to investigate further.
I cannot post the host due to
我将附加. txt,但你应该改变这种状况in the forum settings.