OperatorChain Class and creating super operator
我试图创建扩展that uses subprocess and for that I am usingOperatorChainclass.
Is there any documentation or implementation for the creating super operator..?
I have already tried these links:
- //www.turtlecreekpls.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/RapidMiner-extensions.pdf
- https://community.www.turtlecreekpls.com/t5/Developer-Forum/Operator-Chains/m-p/8009#M563(redirecting on different page)
- https://github.com/rapidminer/rapidminer-extension-tutorial
Still is there any link or document which can provide more detailed explanation of these classes or process..?
Any suggestions where to look for more details..?
Nice to hear that you want to create your own extension with super operator.
Yeah the OperatorChain class can be a bit more tricky, but I think the "How to extend RapidMiner" Whitepaper (your first link, you can find an online version alsohere) should be a good starting point. The chapter 5.7 - 5.10 should describe the basic work principles.
Do you have concrete problems/questions we can help with?
Best regards,
Thanks for suggesting the link.
I am using RM studio 8.2
I went through the link and I am always getting this error in below image
I am trying send FileObject to the subprocess and getting this error.
I have tried PortPairExtender as mentioned in the suggested links.
I am trying to download multiple files for processing and by using this custom operator I dont want to wait for the whole files to be downloaded but I want to upload the file as soon as it is processed whereas rest of the file downloading can continue.
Any suggestions why this error might be occuring..?