What is could not initialize HTML5 browser?

vgpoweredvgpowered 米emberPosts:16Contributor II
编辑2019年7月 inHelp
米y Rapidminer Studio always shows "Could not initialize HTML5 browser. See log for details." when showing "Visualizations".

The log window has a message like: "PM SEVERE: Failes to create HTML5 browser!"
What's the problem?

Best Answers


  • rfuentealbarfuentealba 米oderator, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Member, University ProfessorPosts:568Unicorn

    What version of RapidMiner Studio are you using, on what kind of operating system and what Java version are you using? And when did you notice this first time?

    All the best,

  • kypexinkypexin 米oderator, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, MemberPosts:290Unicorn

    There was that exact problem with version 9.2beta:https://community.www.turtlecreekpls.com/discussion/54935/visualizations-stopped-working-in-rm-9-2-beta#latest

    Are you updated to the latest release version?
  • vgpoweredvgpowered 米emberPosts:16Contributor II
    Thanks. We are using the just downloaded version 9.2 rev 461351. It was the only version to download. The operating systema is Windows XP SP3. The problem hapens every time you want to use "Visualizations". How to know what Java version? The javaw.exe executing is the one installed in the "Rapidminer Studio\jre\bin" folder.
  • armanksarmanks 米emberPosts:1Contributor I
    Same problem with the latest ubuntu.
  • ardestaniardestani 米emberPosts:1Contributor I
    I have same problem with Ubuntu. I update my RM to last version and then the visualization had this error.
  • 米arco_Boeck米arco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University ProfessorPosts:1,984RM Engineering
    edited February 2019

    When you start Studio on some Linux distributions, you might see a "next missing dependency: xyz" log entry in the Terminal during Studio startup. You need to install those missing dependencies manually. In your case, my bet would be "next missing dependency: browsercore64 => libgconf-2.so.4". You can install that missing dependency by running "sudo apt install libgconf-2-4".

    sgenzer ardestani yyhuang
  • katelynvinckatelynvinc 米emberPosts:1Newbie
    I'm having a similar issue to the question posted - getting a similar error message ("AM SEVERE: Failed to create HTML5 browser!") and not able to use visualizations/charts. I have a Mac and OS X Version 10.9.5. Do you know how I can fix?
  • keyopenkeyopen 米emberPosts:1Contributor I
    I have the same problem in Mac OS X 10.11.6 El Capitan. My RM installed version is 9.2. How can I fix this issue?
  • sgenzersgenzer Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, Community Manager, Member, University Professor, PM ModeratorPosts:2,959Community Manager
    edited April 2019
    @keyopenthere is an artful dance that happens between Mac OS X and Java applications, and RapidMiner gets caught in the middle of this dance. You are using Mac OS X 10.11.xx which is three versions behind the current one (10.14.3 Mojave according to my computer) - this is strongly discouraged. Hence recommended fix is to upgrade to most recent version of Mac OS X.
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