"Server 9.2: Special Characters in RapidMiner Server Repository breaking access"

landland RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:2,531Unicorn
Hi all,
we just noticed that if you put special characters like the german umlaute into the server repository as directory name, then you cannot access the directory from the Web Frontend as the link seems to be escaped twice. If you enter the name manually in the URL, it works.

This might be a problem in non-englisch speaking countries...

Comes surprising as this worked with older server versions, I just tested with 7.5

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Fixed and Released·Last Updated

Fixed in 9.2.1. RA-1922


  • BalazsBaranyBalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified ExpertPosts:949Unicorn
    Well, the repository implementation was changed in 9.1.
    谢谢你的错误报告,be a good warning for people who don't name everything in English.
  • mmichelmmichel Employee, MemberPosts:129RM Engineering
    Hi Sebastian,

    thanks for the report!
    The repository implementation has been changed with9.0. We will investigate the described issue.

  • aschaferdiekaschaferdiek Employee, MemberPosts:76RM Engineering
    The problem has been resolved and will be released in version 9.2.1 of RapidMiner Server.

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