Decision Tree

Lalit9_Lalit9_ MemberPosts:1Newbie
我把一些数据做出决定n tree. It had about 200 rows and had missing values as well. Rapidminer made a decision tree with good branches 2-3 times with it but I changed the label of one column and decision tree was reduced to 2 branches after that. The weight of different attributes also changed and now I am not able to make that previous tree again. Can someone help me?


  • varunm1varunm1 Moderator, MemberPosts:1,207Unicorn
    edited June 2019

    Can you provide us with your XML code (View --> Show Panel --> XML) for deeper understanding?


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  • PapadPapad MemberPosts:68Guru
    First of all it is always good to keep a back up version of your data and working on copies, in order to prevent many events.
    Secondly with the change you did, it is possible that the model works different on your dataset. Although when you choose a decision tree, you can set the attributes of the tree like depth etc. So maybe you changed something there.
    I hope it helps.

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