Is RM Server 9.4 backwards compatible with Rapidminer studio 9.3?
Best Answer
Marco_Boeck Administrator, Moderator, Employee, Member, University ProfessorPosts:1,984
RM Engineering
I need to correct Scott here. There are two scenarios:
- 服务器feature version is equal or ABOVE Studio: all is fine. Connection from Studio to Server will work. Example: Server 9.4.1, Studio 9.3.0
- 服务器feature version is LESS than Studio: not working right now. Connection from Studio to Server will fail. Example: Studio 9.4.1, Server 9.3.0. (If only the patch level is different, all is fine as well, so Server 9.3.0 and Studio 9.3.1 would also work just fine).
Feel free to upvote here:'s the opposite of what you're asking but the idea is the same.