Is it possible to implement any kind of loader in the View of a RM Server Web app?
MemberPosts:25Contributor II
我想implement some kind of loader for a View of a Web app, since my initialization process runs for a dozen of seconds.
I know this is quite a broad question so I will try to narrow it down a bit.
I know that it would probable be quite difficult to implement something that would display a percentage of the process that has run already.
So I'm thinking either something to display when each subprocess of the initialization has finished, or a more generic spinner that would stop when the whole initialization is done.
I know this is quite a broad question so I will try to narrow it down a bit.
I know that it would probable be quite difficult to implement something that would display a percentage of the process that has run already.
So I'm thinking either something to display when each subprocess of the initialization has finished, or a more generic spinner that would stop when the whole initialization is done.
both "Visualization" and "User input" have a tab for setting up interactions. These refer to user actions, unfortunately. I see how a process could set a macro (referenced by a variable in the web app) but I don't see how this would submit the user input in order to execute the interaction effect.
My best guess is using some HTML and JavaScript to display the spinner in a panel, and hiding it when the loading is done (e. g. some table has rows).
Ok I found how to switch from one view to another, right after initializing a process, but how do I switch back after the process is done?
@BalazsBaranyThank you, also a nice idea!
I can see how to write CSS but I can't see how to write HTML or JS
adding a "Text Component" enables adding arbitrary HTML to your web app. This can also include JavaScript. (You can switch off "Use graphical editor".)