Sentiments Analysis using external Dictionary
Hey there,
I just started using RapidMiner using an external dictionary (BAWL).
I've built a (at least in my eyes) proper process but as it seems, its not. Like I've said I'm really new into this and I really dont know whats wrong about it (really looking forward to every hint/explanation!). When I try to run the process everything seems to work but after a few seconds it prompts that the the process has failed.
Anyways, thanks in advance!
Anyways, thanks in advance!
<操作符= " true " class = " text_to_nominal激活" compatibility="9.6.000" expanded="true" height="82" name="Text to Nominal" width="90" x="313" y="34">
<参数键= "文件" value = " /用户/ danilodresen / Documents/TH_Koeln/Bachelorarbeit/RapidMiner/JSON/deutsch_QS.json"/>
<参数键= "文件" value = " /用户/ danilodresen / Documents/TH_Koeln/Bachelorarbeit/RapidMiner/JSON/fanz_qs.json"/>
< portSpacing端口= " sink_result 2”间距="0"/>
Dortmund, Germany
thanks for the quick response! I'm sure you've improved my process but now it says that the model I'm trying to apply needs to work on tokenized documents. I dont get it, as far as I'm concerned I'm using the tokenize operator. Do you have any clue?
Dortmund, Germany