Using the results from a sentiment analysis which result do I use?
MemberPosts:6Contributor II
Extracting results from a Sentiment Analysis I have the following results.
Having these answers which one do I have to take into account?
Shall I conclude that the sentence is Neutral according to the dominant result or shall I conclude that the sentence is both Neutral and Positive? Since I want to estimate a sentence as either Neutral Positive or Negative can I use only the dominant result?
I use the following sentece
This is a nice day
Overall sentiment dictionary is :
{'neg': 0.0, 'neu': 0.588, 'pos': 0.412, 'compound': 0.4215}
sentence was rated as 0.0 % Negative
sentence was rated as 58.8 % Neutral
sentence was rated as 41.199999999999996 % Positive
Sentence Overall Rated As Positive
Having these answers which one do I have to take into account?
Shall I conclude that the sentence is Neutral according to the dominant result or shall I conclude that the sentence is both Neutral and Positive? Since I want to estimate a sentence as either Neutral Positive or Negative can I use only the dominant result?
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