neural network performance measurement not possible
Hello Community Members,
I have a question about neural network performance measurement. I would like to measure the performance as described in the textbooks, for this it is described that the values must be discrete or nominal. This does not work with neural networks. What am I doing wrong would be great if you could help me. The model is attached.
Regards TB
I have a question about neural network performance measurement. I would like to measure the performance as described in the textbooks, for this it is described that the values must be discrete or nominal. This does not work with neural networks. What am I doing wrong would be great if you could help me. The model is attached.
Regards TB
<操作符= " true " class = " nominal_to_nume激活rical" compatibility="9.7.001" expanded="true" height="103" name="Nominal to Numerical (5)" width="90" x="447" y="34">