Class precision: huge difference between True Pos. and True Negative
I have run Auto-model for a Dataset for a predictive model on Binary Label: Positive or Negative.
All of the models provide a satisfying class rate on True Pos (+/-98%) but the True Neg. class recalls are incredibly low: 1-7%! How should I interpret this? Can I still use the model?
Many thanks for your help
All of the models provide a satisfying class rate on True Pos (+/-98%) but the True Neg. class recalls are incredibly low: 1-7%! How should I interpret this? Can I still use the model?
Many thanks for your help
Best Answer
lionelderkrikor Moderator, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, MemberPosts:1,195
How should I interpret this?Difficult to answer without seeing your data. But maybe your dataset is highly imbalanced.
It means that, for example, the Positive class of your label represent 90% of your dataset and the Negative class of your label
represents 10% of your dataset.
Can I still use the model?
It depends of what is your final goal :
- if your goal is to correctly predict the Positive class of your label , yes in deed , you can use this model...
- if your goal is to correctly predict the Negative class of your label , no it's not the right model...
To have a more relevant answer, you can share your data and explain what is your goal....
感谢你的回答。奇怪的是那t I have a balanced dataset with 69% of positives and 31% negatives. As I want to predict positives I I'll use it.