性能- w输出hat is the +/- value?
I have a quick question to which I couldn't find the answer by searching the other threads or the information available on the RapidMiner website. I'm not from a data science background but have been using RapidMiner for some classification using a few different machine learning processes. I have used cross validation and an example of the performance results is this (a very poor classifier for my data):
Precision: 95.06%+/- 6.06%(micro average: 94.76%) (positive class: true)
True false True true Class precision
Pred. false 3915 587 86.96%
Pred. true 12 217 94.76%
class recall 99.69% 26.99%
I'm not concerned with the actual performance of the model but more the value I've bolded. What does this +/- range represent? I had originally thought it was a range of precision but the positive value is above 100%. Is this due to the class distribution difference?
Thank you in advance!
Best Answer
yyhuang Administrator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified Expert, MemberPosts:363RM Data ScientistHi@Rachel_dvm,
Suppose you have a 10 fold cross validation for your ML model, you will get 10 individual testing performances on each testing set. The number after +/- is for thestandard deviationout of the 10 testing performance. With 10 fold cross validated models, you will get the average performance as well. The average is the number before +/-.
Dortmund, Germany