Cannot connect to AI Hub repository
I am trying to run a process using the Rapidminer AI Hub with AWS.
However, when trying to connect to the instance's port with my browser using the public IP this does not work. I have used several ports (ports configured are 80, 8080, 1081, 22, 443). The page keeps loading and eventually gives a 'bad gateway 502 or 504' or it says 'safari can't open the page because safari can't establish a secure connection'. Does anyone know what this could be?
I am quite new to rapidminer and have not used the Rapidminer AI Hub before.
However, when trying to connect to the instance's port with my browser using the public IP this does not work. I have used several ports (ports configured are 80, 8080, 1081, 22, 443). The page keeps loading and eventually gives a 'bad gateway 502 or 504' or it says 'safari can't open the page because safari can't establish a secure connection'. Does anyone know what this could be?
I am quite new to rapidminer and have not used the Rapidminer AI Hub before.
Error. Please revise your AI hub settings.