Export the result of process with write database
我试着安装人工智能中心但不幸的是404 error and I can not run the server and service. Now the question is this:
How can I exportthe result of processwith out server(AI hub)? Can I use write database to export the result of my process? ( please explain your answer)
Thank you very much
我试着安装人工智能中心但不幸的是404 error and I can not run the server and service. Now the question is this:
How can I exportthe result of processwith out server(AI hub)? Can I use write database to export the result of my process? ( please explain your answer)
Thank you very much
Best Answer
BalazsBarany Administrator, Moderator, Employee, RapidMiner Certified Analyst, RapidMiner Certified ExpertPosts:952
there is no "best" option here. It depends on your needs - if you are in a company and want to integrate the results, a database might be the best option (the one the company already uses, or a Free one like PostgreSQL if you don't use one yet).
If you want to communicate your results to other people, the Excel export might be the right one.
In your example screenshot you're inside the cross validation. It can make sense to log the intermediate results of the validation e. g. into a database, but that's not a frequent use case. I guess you would rather go to the main process and insert your Write operator after the cross validation, connected to the output you're interested in.
Read Database is for reading data from a database. But there are many operators for exporting the result of your process:
写数据库(附加data to a database table), Update Database (insert or update based on a key), Write Excel (for exporting spreadsheet files), Write CSV etc.
Thank you very much for your reply. Which one is the best for the result of oracle?
How should I add it to my process?( at the end of my process?)
Sorry I am a bit new for some part of rapidminer.
I did a simple example with a simple data in my pc and connect the cross validation with write excel, but the result was:"file memory buffered file"why?Please tell me if I save the result like this in an excel file or in a read data base, what will save there?( my data which classify there?) Where can I find that excel?( in repository? or in my data base?)( because I want my friends use the result of process in a program) Can you please show me an example?
Best Regards
I think you have connected thefil(file) output port of theWrite Exceloperator to theresport.
You have to connect thethr(through) output port of theWrite Exceloperator (instead thefiloutput port).
After doing this new connection , you can set the folder and the name of the generated Excel file (xls/xlsx file)
in the parameters of theWrite Exceloperator.
Thank you for reply. Unfortunately I don't know how to create a folder also there is no result to save.
Best regards
Deconnect the connexion between theinpport and thefilinput port of theRead Exceloperator (the first connexion of your process)
Then set the path/excel file you want to read in the parameters of theRead Exceloperator.
Sorry, it is not clear for me also there is some error so please send me screen to see the connections.( please show me one for write excel and one for read database)
Best Regards
right click on an operator (e. g. Cross Validation) and select "Breakpoint after". This will pause the execution after the operator and show you the result of it. If you get results, these will also show up in the Excel file.
The connections are right, you just need to select a correct file name with the file selector for Write Excel and a correct database connection with either permissions for creating a table, or an existing table with the necessary attributes/columns.
Please familiarize yourself with the basic working of RapidMiner before asking questions here. There are plenty of tutorials and videos in the Academy.
If you get an error message, the most basic reasonable action is to post it. Nobody will be able to help you with "some error message".