Cannot use 2 MCIO in one proces
I'm really beginner for RapidMiner and MCIO.
I'm developing project by using MCOI. However, if I will use 2 MCIO in the same process, it seems that attribute name of 2nd MCIO is somehow changed (e.g. Eginess_Globat statistics (2)) and it shows "Attributes do not match".
Can expert here recommend how to solve this issue?
I'm really beginner for RapidMiner and MCIO.
I'm developing project by using MCOI. However, if I will use 2 MCIO in the same process, it seems that attribute name of 2nd MCIO is somehow changed (e.g. Eginess_Globat statistics (2)) and it shows "Attributes do not match".
Can expert here recommend how to solve this issue?