How to replace a time value

StarfishStarfish MemberPosts:5Learner I
Hi dears
I've struggled to change a certain of time value for almost one day, which is turning the "12:00:00 AM"into "12:00:00 PM", I 've used "Date to nominal" to deal with it, but after doing so the time value would be changed, so I gave up this method.

没有w I am trying to use "Generate Macro", but I have no idea how to write the function expression, could you please tell me?


Best Answer

  • ceaperezceaperez MemberPosts:442Unicorn
    edited October 2021 Solution Accepted

    you can use the Generate Attributes to create a new attribute and use an if statement with date_get method and DATE_UNIT_HOUR to extract the date hour, compare it with your target value and replace it with the new value.

    if(date_get([Date], DATE_UNIT_HOUR)==9,(date_set([Date],10, DATE_UNIT_HOUR )),date_get([Date], DATE_UNIT_HOUR))


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