JDBC Impala & Hive connections are not stable. Always return Connection timeout expired
MemberPosts:3Contributor I
Hi, Anyone know
Where istimeout configuration for JDBCconnection for Hive and Impala which is truly apply on RapidMinerStudioand RapidMinerAI hub Server?
There are the steps in more details below that I have applied but it does not truly eliminate the timeout issue:
1. I am using JDBC Impala and Hive connection from JDBC driver jar. with RapidMiner 9.8
Both connections are test successful.
2. I set my timeout RapidMiner studio > Settings> Preferences > Tools >Database Login timeout
Where istimeout configuration for JDBCconnection for Hive and Impala which is truly apply on RapidMinerStudioand RapidMinerAI hub Server?
There are the steps in more details below that I have applied but it does not truly eliminate the timeout issue:
1. I am using JDBC Impala and Hive connection from JDBC driver jar. with RapidMiner 9.8
Both connections are test successful.
2. I set my timeout RapidMiner studio > Settings> Preferences > Tools >Database Login timeout
3. I ran verysimple flow(to retrieve one table), it works fine as shown below (unit of time = millisecond)
4. However, I ran morecomplex workflowonRapidMiner Studioand took around 12 minutes. Then, it threw timeout exception. Sometime, I ran the same workflow on RapidMiner studio, it ran successfully.
5. Moreover, I tried thecomplex workflowonRapidMiner AI hub Server, It took around 3 minutes and threw timeout exception.
Dortmund, Germany