How to evaluate the performance of supervised learning of auto model?

APAP MemberPosts:32Contributor II
How to evaluate the performance of supervised learning of auto model?Is there any documentation about this?

Best Answer

  • ceaperezceaperez MemberPosts:447Unicorn
    Solution Accepted

    Into Automodel you have a button "Open Process" click on and then you can see the scoring, validation block.
    Inside you have the validation subprocess.




  • ceaperezceaperez MemberPosts:447Unicorn

    You have two ways.
    1- In each model used in Automode you have a specifif topic for performance with some performance meassurements.
    2- You can open the automodel process and then, into the performance opertator, change the automatically selected metrics for your desired ones.


  • APAP MemberPosts:32Contributor II
    What I want to know is Whether it's based on training set or test set
  • ceaperezceaperez MemberPosts:447Unicorn
    Hi again@AP,

    when you open the model, the performance operator is applied to validation set.


  • APAP MemberPosts:32Contributor II
    The performance is based on cross validation?default ten fold?
  • ceaperezceaperez MemberPosts:447Unicorn
    when you open the proposed model in automodel you can check the validation process.

    我记得系统用to work with a Hold-out set but I don't remeber the number of partitions.

    You can check it in your results.
  • APAP MemberPosts:32Contributor II
    “when you open the proposed model in automodel you can check the validation process. ”--How can I do it?Can you give me a graph?
  • APAP MemberPosts:32Contributor II
    Yes, I see. Thank you very much
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