Can't get JWT Token
Best Answer
cuongdnv MemberPosts:9Learner I@aschaferdiek
very simple i modified config in .env file and got token via API api/rest/tokenservice with id and password as described in tokenservice document.
Which is completely unlike the way you are instructing .
"idToken": "the-valid-token",
"expirationDate": "the-exp"
"enable-basic-auth": true,
我把所有container , and i guess that , rapidminer/rapidminer-server:9.10.4-gen2 with CONTAINER ID [07a1e28603f6] is rm-server-homedir
So i access to this container and edit keycloak.json in path [/rapidminer/home/configuration]
I changed "enable-basic-auth": true
and then i get RM_SERVER_JSESSIONID by [Login via web interface, open the browser's developer tools and use the very same RM_SERVER_JSESSIONID]
i got RM_SERVER_JSESSIONID (b4uTa9Wc23gkbvZmS2akuPah) and go to post man and set Bearer Token to [Keycloak-b4uTa9Wc23gkbvZmS2akuPah] and send request to /api/rest/tokenservice . But i got response [Access denied]
1.For basic auth 1 , Where can I get Keycloak credentials? Please provide detailed instructions
2. I got the RM_SERVER_JSESSIONID from the cookie then put it in the RM_SERVER_JSESSIONID field of the header in the request /api/rest/tokenservice but still can't get the token and return "Access denied"
3. I get the token through the api /auth/realms/master/protocol/openid-connect/token . However, when calling the API /executions/jobs using the token obtained first step, the result returns an Unauthorized error.
Thanks you.