

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.0 -Check here for latest version

RapidMiner Server Settings and Services

You can change commonly accessed RapidMiner Server system settings using the web interface. Additionally, you can change the RapidMiner Server configuration files to make changes to your Java and JBoss settings.

Customize the configurations to fit your organization's needs:

Modifying system settings

RapidMiner Server displays the system settings you have set or modified in theAdministration > System Settingswindow of the web interface. From this window you can modify the displayed settings or change default system settings. To see the complete list of settings and their current values, refer to theAdministration > System Informationpage, on theSystem Settingstab.

Follow these steps to change system settings.

Note: System settings can only be edited by anadministrator. If the setting edit (add, change, or remove) seems to have no effect, restart RapidMiner Server.

  1. OpenAdministration > System Settings. TheSystem Settingstab displays, listing all settings that have been set or modified for this instance of RapidMiner Server (either manually or during the installation process).

  2. To add properties: If the property you wish to set is not present in theSystem Settingslist, click onAdd property. RapidMiner Server adds a row to the properties table. Enter the property name in thePropertyfield of the new row and the value in theValuefield. Refer to thetable of system settings为assistance. ClickSubmitto save and apply the new setting(s).

  3. To change properties: To change the value of a listed property, simply edit theValuefield. ClickSubmitto save and apply the new setting(s).

  4. To remove properties: To delete a property, click on thered xDeleteicon. ClickSubmitto save the configuration without the removed setting(s). Restart RapidMiner Server to apply that configuration.

Changes are reflected on theAdministration > System Informationpage,System Settingstab.

Table of system settings

Property Description Accepted values Default
com.rapidanalytics.db.max_rowlength Sets the maximum number of bytes per row when storing an ExampleSet. If an ExampleSet contains more Attribute data than can be stored in max_rowlength, RapidMiner Server splits it into multiple tables. Reduce this number if you receive a database error that RapidMiner Server created tables with too many columns. Integer 20000
com.rapidanalytics.db.stream_chunk_size Sets the buffer size when reading data from the database. Integer 500 rows
com.rapidanalytics.db.table_prefix Sets the prefix for tables storing example sets in the RapidMiner Server database. Any string allowed as an identifier in your database es_
com.rapidanalytics.db.exampleset.jndi Sets the JNDI name of the data source connections where RapidMiner Server stores example sets; defined in standalone.xml. JNDI identifier java:/jdbc/RapidAnalyticsDS
com.rapidanalytics.db.sql_dialect Sets the SQL dialect used by the operations database. MYSQL, ORACLE, MICROSOFT, POSTGRES. But no need to ever edit. Set on installation by theDB Systemargument, in theDatabase Configurationwindow (so no need to edit).
Anonymous access—Requires an "anonymous" user account
com.rapidanalytics.web.anonymous_resources Sets whether resources can be accessed without authentication under /api/rest/public/resources. Use this when implementing theanonymous userfunctionality. True to allow access or false to deny access False
com.rapidanalytics.web.anonymous_services Sets whether web service processes can be accessed without authentication under /api/rest/public/processes. Use this when implementing theanonymous userfunctionality. True to allow access or false to deny access False
com.rapidanalytics.web.anonymous_reports Sets whether web apps can be accessed without authentication. Web apps do not have a fixed URL; the access URL is shown while editing the app. Use this when implementing theanonymous userfunctionality. True to allow access or false to deny access False
Process log
com.rapidanalytics.process.log.enable Sets whether to log process output. Logs are visible in the web interface underProcesses > Schedulerand linked from RapidMiner Studio. True to log process output or false to discard. True
com.rapidanalytics.process.log.update_delay Sets the interval, in milliseconds, between updates to the database with the latest log records. That is, instead of writing immediately to the log, messages can be delayed for this interval and written at one time. Integer 1000 milliseconds
com.rapidanalytics.process.log.continuous Specifies whether to write to the logs as a process executes or whether to write all log data at process completion. True to write continuously or false to write at completion True
com.rapidanalytics.process.log.limit_access_to_owner Sets accessibility of the process log. If true, log is only available to the user that started the process. If false, log is available to any user withReadaccess to the folder. True or false False
Process execution
com.rapidanalytics.webservices.concurrency Sets the concurrency level (i.e. how many CPU cores are used) for each web service that runs. Defaults to1这意味着每个web服务运行在一个3ad and thus responds faster. If you offer web services that take longer to run(several minutes to hours), you can increase this setting to make use of multiple CPU cores (limited by your license) for each web service process. This has the same effect as theNumber of threadssetting in RapidMiner Studio. Note that if you have many web service calls (hundreds at the same time) for processes that can use multiple cores (e.g. via Loop operators), this can cause new web service calls to fail! This is due to a global limit in the number of threads depending on various system parameters. Integer 1
com.rapidanalytics.plugindir Defines the directory where RapidMiner Server stores user-added extensions that are loaded at start up. You can create the plugin directory anywhere that is accessible to your machine, but be sure that you have write permission to the location. Bundled extensions (no installation necessary) are stored in a separate directory that is independent of the path specified here. Specified at installation
com.rapidanalytics.uploaddir Defines the directory where RapidMiner Server stores temporary binary files uploaded by the user and needed for processes. You can create the uploads directory anywhere that is accessible to your machine, but be sure that you have write permission to the location. If the RapidMiner Server host has a small hard disk, make sure you create the directory in a place that can handle the potentially large temporary files. Specified at installation
com.rapidanalytics.accesslog.db.mode Determines when access to resources are logged to the database. ALWAYS, NEVER, or ONLY_ERROR. ALWAYS
com.rapidanalytics.accesslog.file.mode Determines when access to resources are logged to a file. ALWAYS, NEVER, or ONLY_ERROR. NEVER
com.rapidanalytics.accesslog.file.destination Specifies the destination to write the access log file to. Only applicable if com.rapidanalytics.accesslog.file.mode is ALWAYS or ONLY_ERROR. Filename None
com.rapidanalytics.mail.jndi_name Sets the JNDI name of the email session. Seechanging outgoing email. JNDI identifier None
com.rapidanalytics.triggers.delay Sets the delay between active triggers that check conditions (for example, file modifications). Integer 10000 ms
com.rapidanalytics.web.hostname Sets the RapidMiner Server hostname to display to users (to use, for example, for web service URLs). Auto-detected based on configuration. Any None
com.rapidanalytics.web.myport Sets the RapidMiner Server port to display to users (to use, for example, for web service URLs and other generated direct links). Auto-detected based on configuration. Any valid port number 80
com.rapidanalytics.web.session.timeout Sets the timeout for web sessions. Integer 1800s
com.rapidanalytics.web.rooturl Sets the RapidMiner Server root URL to display to users. Auto-detected based on configuration. Valid URL None
com.rapidanalytics.web.reverse_dns_lookup Specifies whether RapidMiner Server does a reverse DNS (IP address to hostname) when writing to the access log. True to write the reverse DNS lookup results or false to write the IP address to the log False
Scripting extensions
rapidminer.r_scripting.path Specifies the path to the RScript executable in your R installation. Anywhere that is accessible to your machine, but be sure that you have write permission to the location None
rapidminer.python_scripting.path Specifies the path to the Python executable in your Python installation. Anywhere that is accessible to your machine, but be sure that you have write permission to the location None
com.rapidanalytics.enable_timestamp_locking Sets whether RapidMiner Studio warns if two users are simultaneously modifying the same process (whether a warning message is delivered on saving). True to warn or false to allow overwrite True
LDAP username and group filters
com.rapidanalytics.access.userfilter Sets the filter to restrict access of LDAP authenticated users based on their username. If the username matches the filter then access is granted. Blank or undefined value does not restrict access. Regular expression
com.rapidanalytics.access.groupfilter Sets the filter to restrict access of LDAP authenticated users based on their LDAP group membership. If any of the LDAP groups name that the user belongs to matches the filter then access is granted. Blank or undefined value does not restrict access. Regular expression
Security Set the X-FRAME-OPTIONS header for web site responses to prevent embedding of pages into other websites (e.g. as an iframe). This prevents clickjacking attacks. Please note that setting this header to DENY might also affect the RapidMiner Server UI. DENY, SAMEORIGIN, or ALLOW-FROM Header not set Used to specify the content of the Access-Control-Allow-Origin header for CORS requests. *, or Header not set (CORS disabled) Used to specify the content of the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header for CORS requests. true or false true Used to specify the content of the Access-Control-Allow-Headers header for CORS requests. Any comma-separated combination of headers: origin, content-type, accept, authorization origin, content-type, accept, authorization Used to specify the content of the Access-Control-Allow-Methods header for CORS requests. Any comma-separated combination of valid HTTP methods, e.g. GET, POST, PUT, DELETE GET, POST, PUT, DELETE A whitelist for file extensions that may be uploaded via the Web UI and from Studio. If a whitelist is defined, the blacklist will be ignored. Any comma-separated combination of file extensions, including "none" as a filter for files without any extensions. In case of an empty whitelist all uploads will be blocked. For example, the whitelist 'pdf,csv,none' permits the upload of files with pdf and csv extensions and the upload of files with no file extension. A blacklist for file extensions that should NOT be uploaded via the Web UI and from Studio. If a whitelist is defined, this blacklist will be ignored. Any comma-separated combination of file extensions, including "none" as a filter for files without any extensions. For example, the blacklist 'exe,sh,none' blocks files with the file extensions exe and sh and also blocks files with no file extension. Defines allowed content-types of uploads via the Web UI and from Studio. The content-type check will happen after a file has been uploaded. It uses magic bytes to extract the real content-type of a file regardless of the file extension. Any comma-separated combination of allowd content-types. In case of an empty list all uploads will be blocked. For example, the content-types 'application/pdf,application/zip' permit the upload of PDF and Zip files. 定义了允许的最大文件大小的字节uploads via the Web UI and from Studio. Integer
com.rapidanalytics.encryption.key Used to specify the key used for property encryption. Currently only relevant for theLDAP Property Encryption Any

Modify the secret token

The secret token is a shared secret to enable an external process such as the RapidMiner Job Agent to communicate with the RapidMiner Server respectively the RapidMiner Job Service REST API.

To invalidate the current secret token and set a new one simply click on theGenerate new Tokenbutton.

Note:Generating a new token might break all waiting and running processes!

The following steps must be done to apply the new token:

  1. TheRapidMiner Servermust be re-started

  2. The token must be exchanged in theRapidMiner Job Agentconfiguration

  3. TheRapidMiner Job Agentmust bere-started

Changing standalone.xml settings

The filestandalone.xmlcontains JBoss Application Server 7 configuration settings, such as hostname, ports, mail, database,enabling HTTPS, etc. The file is found inconfiguration/of yourRapidMiner Server home directory. The next sections describe how to make the following changes in the filestandalone.xml.

To change the hostname settings, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the fileconfiguration/standalone.xmlin yourRapidMiner Server home directory.

  2. Locate the tags configuring the interface:

  3. Edit the bind address (the IP address after the colon, in the above example) as required. You can enter a hostname instead of an IP address if desired.

  4. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

To change the port settings, follow these steps:

  1. Edit the fileconfiguration/standalone.xmlin yourRapidMiner Server home directory.

  2. Locate the tags configuring the socket bindings (these define the HTTP and HTTPS ports):

  3. Edit the port numbers as required.

  4. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

Note: On Linux, you must be running as root to change port numbers below 1024 (this includes the standard HTTP(S) ports 80 and 443).

If you use single sign on in RapidMiner Server, you must change the HTTP header size. This is because the Kerberos token string is usually quite long, exceeding the default header size.

To change the header size:

  1. Edit the fileconfiguration/standalone.xmlin yourRapidMiner Server home directory.

  2. Locate the extensions tag definitions (they are most likely at the beginning of the file):

     . . . 
  3. Immediatelyafterthe extensions tag (do not modify the extensions tag),addthe following system-properties tag, wherevaluedefines the maximum URL length:

  4. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

If you did not configure the SMTP server during installation or need to change the outgoing email address, you can do it by editing thestandalone.xmlconfiguration file.

  1. Edit the fileconfiguration/standalone.xmlin yourRapidMiner Server home directory.

  2. Locate the mail subsystem element, for example:

  3. Modify thefrom,username, andpasswordfields as required. Be certain that thefromfield is not blank (otherwise sending emails will not work). Thefromandusernamefields should not be the same, unless required to be by your email provider. Thefromvalue cannot be an arbitrary address, it must be a registered alias thatusernamecan send as.

  4. Locate the outbound socket element for example:

  5. Modify the host and port fields as required.

  6. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

To verify the settings:

  1. Log in to RapidMiner Server as administrator.

  2. Go toAdministration > System Settings. Click on theEmail Configurationtab.

  3. 输入an email address and click theSend test mailbutton. If the email address you entered does not soon receive an email (and you checked any junk and trash folders), consult thelog files.

    Note: In theEmail Configurationtab you may see the message “The property com.rapidanalytics.mail.jndi_name is undefined. Assuming JNDI name ‘java:/Mail’. No mail session is configured under this JDNI name.”

    JNDI is the Java Naming and Directory Interface, used, for example, if RapidMiner Server runs on a JBoss shared with other applications. Typically this message can be ignored. If you changed the JNDI name in thestandalone.xmlconfiguration file, you canconfigure the system settingsof your RapidMiner Server and set thecom.rapidanalytics.mail.jndi_nameproperty to the new JNDI name.

This information is only applicable if you are upgrading from versions 2.4 or earlier to version 2.5 or later using an EAR file. This step isnotnecessary if you perform a full upgrade.

RapidMiner Server version 2.5 improves repository performance when storing large example sets. To include this improvement when performing an EAR upgrade:

  1. Edit the fileconfiguration/standalone.xmlin yourRapidMiner Server home directory.

  2. Locate the datasource subsystem element, for example:

     jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/rapidminer_server mysql-connector-java-5.1.31.jar . . . 
  3. Add the following line to theelement:

  4. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

Changing standalone.conf(.bat) settings

The filesstandalone.conf(Linux) orstandalone.conf.bat(Windows) contain arguments passed to Java when RapidMiner Server starts, for example Xmx, garbage collection, etc. The file is found inbinfolder of the RapidMiner Server installation directory. The next sections describe how to change:

  • Java version

Updating the Java version

Once RapidMiner Server is installed, any changes to the Java version require a change to the JAVA_HOME path. Remember that RapidMiner Server requires Java 8. To change JAVA_HOME:

  1. In the RapidMiner Server installation directory, openbin/standalone.conf.bat.

  2. Change the JAVA_HOME location by changing the following line, whereJRE7is the updated Java folder:

    set "JAVA_HOME=C:\Program Files\Java\

  3. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

  1. In the RapidMiner Server installation directory, openbin/standalone.conf.

  2. Change the JAVA_HOME location by changing the following line, whereJRE7is the updated Java folder:


  3. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

Changing memory usage

You can view the maximum memory setting for RapidMiner Server in theAdministration > System Informationwindow of the web interface. Total memory (amount currently assigned to RapidMiner Server by the operating system), maximum memory (maximum memory amount defined during installation), and free memory (allowed memory not currently in use) are displayed under theSystem Loadtab.

The memory usage of the RapidMinerJob AgentsandJob Containersare not included by this view. How to monitor or change the memory usage is described at theJob Agent’sandJob Container’sadministration page.

  1. Starting from yourRapidMiner Server home directory, navigate and open the fileconfiguration/max-memory.conf.

  2. The file should contain a number followed by the letterM. This sequence signifies the maximum amount of memory in MB that Rapidminer Server may use. For example the value8192Mmeans that RapidMiner Server may allocate up to 8,192 MB of RAM.

  3. To modify this setting simply replace the number with the desired amount of memory in MB, that RapidMiner Server may use.

  4. Save the file and restart RapidMiner Server.

Please note that the maximum amount of memory is bound by the RapidMiner Server license you are using.

Please make sure that the value you specify is greater than1303Mwhich is the minimum Rapidminer Server memory requirement.

Running RapidMiner Server as a service

You can run RapidMiner Server as a service, so that it will start automatically when the system starts. The method depends on your operating system:

Creating a service on Windows

You had an opportunity, at installation, toregister RapidMiner Server as a Windows service(by checking a box in the installer process). If you did not checkRegister as a serviceor you did not have admin privileges when you started the installer, RapidMiner Server is not registered to run as a service. To change the configuration so that RapidMiner Server runs as a service in the future:

  1. As administrator, open a Windows command prompt.

  2. 从终端窗口,改变binfolder in your RapidMiner Server installation folder.

  3. 输入service.bat installat the prompt. This installs RapidMiner Server as a Windows service. (To uninstall the service later, enterservice.bat uninstallfrom the same location.)

  4. By default, the service is registered with the keyRMSSVC(for exampleRMS710SVCorRMSSVCin case of older versions than 7.1.0). (This can be modified in theservice.bat文件。)从Windows命令启动服务prompt, enter the following command with the service name. For example:

    net start RMS710SVC

    Similarly, to stop the service, enter:

    net stop RMS710SVC

Alternatively, you canuse the Windows control panelto set, start, and monitor the service.

Creating a service on Linux

A modern Linux distribution will usesystemdto start and stop services, but if you are still usingSysVinit, see the link below.

你可以自动启动RapidMiner服务器在UNIX下,布鲁里溃疡t the method is dependent on your UNIX distribution. The following instructions apply to Ubuntu.

Linux system startup scripts are contained in/etc/init.d/. To start RapidMiner Server when an Ubuntu system boots, follow these steps:

  1. Download the filerapidminerserver.shto your computer and open it in an editor:

    \ # !/bin/bash \ \ # # # #开始初始化信息提供:说唱idminerserver \# Required-Start: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog \# Required-Stop: $local_fs $remote_fs $network $syslog \# Default-Start: 3 4 5 \# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6 \# Short-Description: Start/Stop RapidMiner Server \### END INIT INFO \# chkconfig: 345 85 15 RAPIDMINER-SERVER_HOME=/opt/rapidminer-server-2 RAPIDMINER-SERVER_USER=root case "$1" in start) echo "Starting RapidMiner Server..." start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --chuid ${RAPIDMINER-SERVER_USER} --exec ${RAPIDMINER-SERVER_HOME}/bin/ ;; stop) echo "Stopping RapidMiner Server..." start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --background --chuid ${RAPIDMINER-SERVER_USER} --exec ${RAPIDMINER-SERVER_HOME}/bin/ -- --connect --command=:shutdown ;; *) echo "Usage: /etc/init.d/rapidminerserver {start|stop}"; exit 1; ;; esac exit 0
  2. Change theRAPIDMINER-SERVER_USERvariable to the Linux user who will run the service. The user you enter must already exist. To create the user, use theuseraddcommand.

  3. Change theRAPIDMINER-SERVER_HOMEvariable to point to your RapidMiner Server installation.

  4. Save the script file as/etc/init.d/rapidminerserver.

  5. Make the script file executable by calling:

    chmod 755 /etc/init.d/rapidminerserver
  6. To configure Ubuntu to execute the script at boot time and shutdown, call:

    chkconfig --add rapidminerserver

In what follows, we describe the procedure for creating a RapidMiner service on Linux, withsystemd. The following 3 files should be placed by root in/etc/systemd/system/:

  • rapidminer-server.service
  • rapidminer-jobagent-template.service
  • rapidminer-scoring-agent.service

If RapidMiner Server, theJob Agent, and theReal Time Scoringagent all live on the same host, then the latter two scripts are dependent on the first script, and should be started after RapidMiner Server has been started, as indicated by the following line:


In practice, your setup may be somewhat different. If the Job Agent isnoton the same host as RapidMiner Server, then the line above should remain commented out inrapidminer-jobagent-template.service. If you do not have a Real Time Scoring agent, then you will have no need for the third script.

In any case, you must customize the scripts to match your setup, by modifying the path to the executables, and by correctly identifying the user and group connected with each of the services.

You may also want to set theRestartoption toon-failureoralways. SettingRestart=on-failureis the recommended choice for long-running services, in order to increase reliability by attempting automatic recovery from errors.


For additional information, see thesystemd service documentation.


If your database server is on the same host as RapidMiner Server, the script should include anAfterstatement, with the name of the service for that database. For example, if your database server is on the same host and it is running PostgreSQL, you would uncomment the line that saysAfter=postgresql.service.

[Unit] Description=RapidMiner Server # If your database server is on the same host, enter it's unit name here # to make sure that RM Server is started after it. #After=postgresql.service [Service] Type=simple # Change the desired system user and group to start the service as User=rapidminersrv Group=rapidminersrv # Change the path to your RapidMiner Server installation ExecStart=/opt/rapidminer-server/bin/ # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down TimeoutSec=300 # Restart= on-failure | always #Restart=on-failure [Install]


[Unit] Description=RapidMiner Job Agent template # If the Job Agent is on the same host as RapidMiner Server, # uncomment the following line #After=rapidminer-server.service [Service] Type=simple # Change the desired system user and group to start the service as User=rmserver Group=rmserver # Change the path to your RapidMiner Server installation ExecStart=/opt/rapidminer-job-agents/jobagent-path/bin/rapidminer-jobagent ExecStop=/opt/rapidminer-job-agents/jobagent-path/bin/stop-job-agent # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down TimeoutSec=300 # Restart= on-failure | always #Restart=on-failure [Install]


[Unit] Description=RapidMiner Scoring Agent # If the Real Time Scoring agent is on the same host as RapidMiner Server, # uncomment the following line #After=rapidminer-server.service [Service] Type=simple # Change the desired system user and group to start the service as User=my_user Group=my_group # Change the path to your RapidMiner Scoring Agent installation ExecStart=/opt/rapidminer-scoring-agent/bin/rapidminer-scoring-agent # Give a reasonable amount of time for the server to start up/shut down TimeoutSec=300 # Restart= on-failure | always #Restart=on-failure [Install]