

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.0 -Check here for latest version

Score data

Afterinstalling a deploymenton the Scoring Agent, you can use the exposed web services to score data.

Web service URLs

As explained in the section onhow to create a deployment, each top-level process of a deployment is available as a web service on the Scoring Agent. The generic URL is defined as



  • $SA_HOSTis the host name of the Scoring Agent (e.g.localhost:8090)
  • $folderNameis the root folder of the deployment on RapidMiner Server (e.g.score-fraud)
  • $processNameis the name of a top-level process (e.g.score-v1)

In case of our example the URL of our scoring web service looks like this:


Web service input

Each web service endpoint acceptsPOSTrequests with eitherapplication/jsonortext/plaincontent type.

We recommend to use the JSON input if possible because the performance is better than the one with text/plain input.

JSON input

JSON input will automatically be transformed to anExampleSetwhich will be provided to the first input port of the process. You can submit one row of data or multiple rows. For a single row of data, the JSON input format looks like this:

{ "data":[ { "age":"21", "gender":"male", "payment_method":"credit card" } ] }

Here's an example process that will read the input, apply a model, and return the result on the output port:

You can make the HTTP POST score request using any HTTP command line tool. For example, herecurlis used to make a score request, with JSON input:

curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{ "data":[ { "age":"21", "gender":"male", "payment_method":"credit card" } ]}' http://$SA_HOST/services/$folderName/$processName

Text input

Text input will be provided as aFileObjectto the first input port of the process.

"age","gender","payment_method" 21,"male","credit card" 43,"female","cheque"

Here's an example process that will read the data via theRead CSVoperator, apply a model, and return the result on the output port:

Web service output

The output of the Scoring Agent web service will always be a JSON representation of theExampleSetthat was provided to the first output port of the scoring process.

Here's an example of a possible JSON output from the web service:

{ "data":[ { "age":"21", "gender":"male", "payment_method":"credit card", "prediction(fraud)": "Fraud", "confidence(fraud)": 0.721, }, { "age":"42", "gender":"female", "payment_method":"cheque", "prediction(fraud)": "No Fraud", "confidence(fraud)": 0.9921, } ] }

Parameterized requests

Web service requests can be parameterize via query parameters in case the scoring process declares macros via the context of the RapidMiner process.

In the given example, a macro model is declared and used in the Retrieve Model operator to dynamically load a model.

每个上下文宏可以通过设置查询参数of the same name during a scoring request. For example setting the modelmacrois possible via the following request URL:
