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Docker image for RapidMiner Server

The documentation below describes the following Docker image:

  • RapidMiner Server 9.1 (rapidminer-server)

This is a RapidMiner Server image for containerized applications

For the latest Docker images and documentation released by RapidMiner, seeDocker Hub.


This is a fully functional RapidMiner Server image.

For available versions, please see the tags:

Database connection

The image provides two different database connection methods:

  • For quick deployments, there is an embedded database, but it is not recommended for production
  • For production, use an external database to ensure data persistence

Environment variables

The following parameters are available:

  • EMBEDDED_DATABASE: set this to "1" in order to start the embedded PostgreSQL database server in the container. The persistence of the data using an embedded database server is not solved.
  • BUNDLED_JOB_AGENT: set this to "1" in order to start the bundled Job Agent
  • DBHOST,DBUSER,DBPASS,DBSCHEMA: set these variables to configure the RapidMiner Server to use an external PostgreSQL database. If the provided database is empty (there is no table), it will be initialized with an initial RapidMiner Server database.
  • JOBSERVICE_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME,JOBSERVICE_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORDandJOBSERVICE_AUTH_SECRET: set these variables to define the required authentication secret and ActiveMQ credentials that should be used in the Job Agents
  • JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME,JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD,JOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRET: set these variables to configure the bundled Job Agents' connection credentials
  • INTERACTIVE_MODE: setting this variable to "1" will start an interactive bash shell without starting the RapidMiner Server process. The server can be configured, plugins can be installed and afterwards the RapidMiner Server process can be started manually.

Data persistence

The RapidMinerhome directorystores all the data and configuration connected with the RapidMiner Server image.

To make this data persistent, mount a volume on the mount point/persistent-rapidminer-homeand start the image.

  • If the mounted volume is empty, then a default configuration and data content will be propagated to it for use by RapidMiner Server.
  • If the volume contains data from any previous executions, then the server will be started with that data.

本卷将包含所有配置费尔es, extensions, licenses, logs and repository data. After the first execution (with a mounted empty volume), the following data can be edited:

  • Extensions can be installed by adding them to the foldervolume/resources/extensions
  • Licences can be installed involume/resources/licenses
  • The configuration can be tuned via files stored involume/configuration

Startup examples

  1. Start the container using the embedded database, the bundled Job Agent, and an in-container rapidminer-home, without any data persistence:

    docker run \ -e EMBEDDED_DATABASE=1 \ -e BUNDLED_JOB_AGENT=1 \ -p 8080:8080 \ rapidminer/rapidminer-server
  2. Start the container using an external database, and an external rapidminer-home directory. Use any existing PostgreSQL server or start a new one based on the PostgreSQL docker image. Here we provide an example startup command. For details, please check thepostgres page在码头工人中心。

    docker run \ -d \ -v /full-path/to/pgsql/datadir:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ -e POSTGRES_DB=db-name \ -e POSTGRES_USER=user-name \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password \ postgres:9.6

    Once a database is up and running (either an external or a docker one), RapidMiner Server can be started:

    docker run \ -e DBHOST=ip.address.of.pgsql \ -e DBSCHEMA=db-name \ -e DBUSER=user-name \ -e DBPASS=password \ -v /full-path/to/rapidminer-home:/persistent-rapidminer-home \ -p 8080:8080 \ rapidminer/rapidminer-server

    The provided database connection parameters will be stored in standalone.xml in the RapidMiner Home folder. If a persistent RapidMiner Home volume is used, then the database-related startup parameters are not needed after the first execution.

  3. Start the container using interactive shell and embedded database for debug purposes

    docker run \ -i -t \ -e EMBEDDED_DATABASE=1 \ -e INTERACTIVE_MODE=1 \ -p 8080:8080 \ rapidminer/rapidminer-server

    You can start or stop the RapidMiner Server process manually using the following command

    /etc/init.d/rapidminer-server {start|stop}

    You can start or stop the RapidMiner Job Agent process manually using the following command

    /etc/init.d/rapidminer-job-agent {start|stop}

    Detailed logs are placed in/rapidminer-home/logand/opt/rapidminer-server/job-agent/home/log.

Good to know

  • RapidMiner Server requires at least 8GB of memory. On Windows hosts, please make sure that the Docker Engine is configured to run with enough memory.
  • RapidMiner Server listens on port 8080, as described in the previous examples. You can connect to it on http://localhost:8080 or any other network interface.
  • The default login credentials are admin/changeit.
  • A bundled Job Agent is included in the image for testing purposes, but its data persistence is not solved. For production use, it is highly recommended to define queues and have externalJob Agent containersconnect to them. The value of the requiredJOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRET,JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAMEandJOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORDparameters are printed out to the console during the RapidMiner Server container startup.
  • JOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRETandJOBSERVICE_AUTH_SECRETvalues are Base64 encoded strings.

Example configuration for docker-compose

version: '3' services: database: image: postgres:9.6 environment: - POSTGRES_DB=db-name - POSTGRES_USER=user-name - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=password volumes: - /home/rapidminer/demo/pgsql:/var/lib/postgresql/data rapidminer-server: image: rapidminer/rapidminer-server:9.1.0 environment: - DBHOST=database - DBSCHEMA=db-name - DBUSER=user-name - DBPASS=password - JOBSERVICE_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME=some-amq-username - JOBSERVICE_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD=some-secure-amq-password - JOBSERVICE_AUTH_SECRET=c29tZS1hdXRoLXNlY3JldAo= volumes: - /home/rapidminer/demo/rapidminer-home:/persistent-rapidminer-home ports: - 8080:8080 depends_on: - database links: - database command: bash -c "sleep 10; /" job-agent: image: rapidminer/rapidminer-execution-jobagent:9.1.0 environment: - RMSERVER_HOST=rapidminer-server - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_URI=failover:(tcp://rapidminer-server:5672) - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_USERNAME=some-amq-username - JOBAGENT_QUEUE_ACTIVEMQ_PASSWORD=some-secure-amq-password - JOBAGENT_AUTH_SECRET=c29tZS1hdXRoLXNlY3JldAo= - JOBAGENT_CONTAINER_COUNT=1 - JOB_QUEUE=DEFAULT - JOBAGENT_CONTAINER_MEMORYLIMIT=4096 links: - rapidminer-server volumes: - /home/rapidminer/demo/rapidminer-home/resources/licenses:/rapidminer-jobagent/home/resources/licenses depends_on: - rapidminer-server


  • The example uses the/home/rapidminer/demo/pgsqland/home/rapidminer/demo/rapidminer-homefolders to persist PostgreSQL and rapidminer-home data. The same folder (/home/rapidminer/demo/rapidminer-home) is used to mount licenses for the Job Agent.
  • The licenses mount point should be a standard RapidMiner licenses folder: should contain the license files in subfolders, like rapidminer-server, rapidminer-studio, radoop.