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Custom Radoop Proxy Installation

You can enable Radoop Proxy throughout the RapidMiner Server installation process. However, if for some reason you wish to install it later on, or just run it manually (e.g. on another machine), follow this guide.

Adding Radoop Proxy to RapidMiner Server startup process

  1. Edit the filebin/standalone.conf[.bat]in the RapidMiner Server installation directory. Find the line containingRADOOP_PROXY_ENABLEDproperty, and modify it:


    If RapidMiner Server is registered as a Windows service, apply the changes tobin/service.batas well.

  2. If necessary, modify the port used by Radoop Proxy inradoop-proxy/proxy.propertiesin the RapidMiner Server installation directory. The basic properties are explainedbelow.

  3. After you saved the modifications, restart RapidMiner Server.

Relocating and starting Radoop Proxy manually

  1. Finddata/radoop-proxy/radoop-proxy-X.X.Xin the unzipped installer package. Move thiszipfile to the required target location.

    Note:If you have already installed RapidMiner Server, you can also find theunzippedcontent inradoop-proxyin the installation directory.

  2. Unzip Radoop Proxy package, and openproxy.propertiesfile for modification. Modify the following fields to configure Radoop Proxy:

    Key Value Default Value
    port Number of the port that Radoop Proxy will listen on. 1081
    serverAuthenticationScheme Protocol of RapidMiner Server authentication. (If RapidMiner Server useshttpsauthentication, see the relatedSecuritypage.) http
    serverAuthenticationHost Host of the authenticating RapidMiner Server instance. localhost
    serverAuthenticationPort Port of the authenticating RapidMiner Server instance. 8080

    For further security options of the Radoop Proxy, refer tothis page.

  3. Change tobindirectory. Issue the following command to start up or halt Radoop Proxy:

    radoop-proxy[.bat] [start/stop]

Starting from Radoop 7.3.1, the Proxy is automatically disabled when a RapidMiner Radoop process is executed on RapidMiner Server. In case of a custom Proxy setup, you may need to enable it by editing the Radoop connection. Further information can be found on theRadoop installation on Serverpage.