

You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 9.2 -Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Radoop 8.2.2?

Released:July 16th, 2018

以下改进RapidM的一部分iner Radoop 8.2.2.


  • ExtendedPython 3.xversion compatibility forSpark Scriptoperator
  • Added more tests to tabs onConnection Settingsdialog:MapReducetest toHadoop选项卡,Hive connectiontest toHivetab
  • Missing Hadoop settingsdialog now may show up when clicking onTestorFull Test, not just forOK(e.g. for HDInsight, Impala)
  • Service Principalfields are no longer mandatory for a connection, but there is still a warning for the missing ones
  • Connection import methods and validation now ignores the case intrueandfalsevalues when checking certain boolean Hadoop properties


  • BUGFIX: Impersonation is taken into account when running a radoop process from Studio (previously only for connection test and Server)
  • BUGFIX: UsingStatic, Manual ConfigurationinSpark Resource Allocation Policyfield no longer leads to a validation error
  • BUGFIX:NumberFormatExceptionis no longer thrown when using formatted values (e.g.2g) forspark.executor.memorysetting inAdvanced Hive Parameters
  • BUGFIX: Explicitly specified value ofspark.executor.memorysetting inAdvanced Hive Parametersno longer counted twice in connection pool size estimation if it is specified in bytes
  • BUGFIX: In case of an error inSpark jobtest, subsequent tries with other Spark versions no longer fail with validation error (this affected connections withDynamic Resource Allocationsetting)
  • BUGFIX: Fixed that subsequent tests onConnections Settingsdialog did not update the UI (header, button state) properly
  • BUGFIX:Hadoop usernamefield is no longer hidden whenEnable MapR Securityis set, but a non-MapRHadoop Versionis selected