

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.2 -Check here for latest version

What's new in RapidMiner Server 9.2

This page describes the new features of RapidMiner Server 9.2.

Easier and automated upgrade

Incorporate new features and improvements fast and reliably. You can simply selectupgradein the installer and point to your existing home directory of RapidMiner Server and then the installer tool takes care of all the details. It will keep your old configuration and migrate if necessary. This is available for migrations starting from version 9.1 onwards.See the upgrade guide for more details.

Centrally managed Job Agent resources

Keep your RapidMiner Server nodes consistent and easy to configure by centrally deploying files like:

You can now deploy those files centrally within theRapidMiner Server home directoryand they automatically get distributed among all connected Job Agents. Distribution will start when RapidMiner Server is (re)started or if licenses are updated in the web interface. There's also aREST APIavailable to trigger synchronization.

The automatic resource synchronization for Job Agents is enabled by default. Please read theresource management guideand check your setup and before upgrading to 9.2.

Large file management in the repository

Upload larger files (>2 Gb), there is now no size limitation. It‘s easier to test your processes with real data or use the repository as a the container of any input data.

Enhancements and bug fixes