

You are viewing the RapidMiner Developers documentation for version 9.4 -Check here for latest version

Individualizing Your Extension Settings

If you didn't open the filebuild.gradlein the extension template project yet, open it now.

Changing settings

First change the marked rows in thebuild.gradlefile to meet your individual needs:

  • Give your extension a name
  • Define thegroupId(it will be the name of your Java package)
  • Define the vendor
  • Specify your website
  • If your extension depends on other RapidMiner extension, define them as extension dependencies
  • If your extension depends on third-party libraries, define them as dependencies

If you don’t know how to use your libraries or third-party libraries in Gradle, check out theGradle User Guide chapter about dependency management.

Initializing the project

To start, open a command prompt (for Windows, it is, for example, the Windows Power Shell). Browse to the extension template project and execute the following command:

./gradlew --no-daemon initializeExtensionProject

If you are using Eclipse, refresh the project folder. You can then see that the project is initialized and has source folders (which are waiting for your code).

If a simple refresh did not work, try a right-click on your project and selectGradle > Refresh all.

Adding an extension icon

The next step is to select an icon (48x48 pixels) for your extension. Name iticon.pngand put it into the foldersrc/main/resources/META-INF. If the folderMETA-INFdoes not yet exist, create it and put your icon inside.

If you are using Eclipse, refresh the project folder.

Installing the extension

If you are using Eclipse, select the project in theGradle Tasks视图和双击任务installExtension.

Otherwise, open a command prompt, browse to the extension template project, and execute the following command:

./gradlew installExtension

Starting RapidMiner Studio

If RapidMiner Studio is not yet installed,downloadandinstallit. Then, open RapidMiner Studio and check whether your extension was loaded successfully. To check, open theExtensions > About Installed Extensionsmenu. You should see an entryAbout NAME Extension...with your extension's name. Select this entry and verify that the icon is loaded successfully and the vendor and URL are shown correctly.

接下来,create your own operator.