

You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 9.4 -Check here for latest version

RapidMiner Radoop Compatibility

Supported Hadoop distributions

RapidMiner Radoop works with most popular Hadoop distributions. Refer to the provider's documentation for information on configuring the Hadoop cluster. The supported distributions are:

For CDH and HDP distributions, we only support the minor versions that are also supported by Cloudera.

Deprecated Hadoop distributions

尽管RapidMiner Radoop使用Hadoop distributions and versions listed below, we have marked them as deprecated. Support for these will be discontinued in a future version of RapidMiner Radoop.

For Amazon Elastic MapReduce, we will now distinguish between 4.x (deprecated) and 5.x versions inside Radoop connections. If you already have a Radoop connection set up to an Amazon Elastic MapReduce cluster, please update the connection with the corresponding version (after updating Radoop to the latest version).

Supported data warehouse systems (DWS)

RapidMiner Radoop supports the following data warehouse infrastructures:

Supported Spark versions

RapidMiner Radoop supports the following Spark versions:

  • Apache Spark 1.6.x
  • Apache Spark 2.0.x (except2.0.1), 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x

Spark 2.0.1 minor versionis not supported.

Deprecated Spark versions

Although RapidMiner Radoop works with the Spark versions listed below, we have marked them as deprecated. Support for these will be discontinued in a future version of RapidMiner Radoop.

  • Apache Spark 1.5.x

Please contact support if you rely on this specific Spark version.

Supported Java versions

RapidMiner Radoop requiresJava 8installed on the Hadoop cluster to operate. The nodes should have at least 8 GB of RAM.

RapidMiner extension compatibility

RapidMiner Radoop is not compatible with theParallel Processing Extension. This extension must be disabled when using Radoop. Please select theExtensions > Manage item and uncheck the box forParallel Processing Extension.