You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.4 -Check here for latest version
Creating Style Bundles
Style bundles are groupings of page characteristics that can be saved as a "style sheet" and re-used in multiple apps. They impact the visual characteristics of charts and general page styles. Bundles are saved to a location of your choice in the RapidMiner Server repository. To create style bundles, click theEdit Style Bundlesicon or text.
TheEdit Style Bundlepage opens. It is comprised of a variety of editable fields and a preview mechanism to check your changes.
Changing chart settings
The following table describes each of the editable fields. As you make changes, you can click theRefresh previewicon for validation.
Field | Description |
Color scheme | 设置color scheme for charts using this bundle. SelectPredefinedand use the pull-down menu to choose a color scheme packaged with RapidMiner Server. SelectCustomizedand browse to the palette's repository location to select amodified color palettethat you previously created. |
Bar type | 设置shape and style of bars in a bar graph. |
Effect (bar) | 设置"painting" mechanism for bars appearing in a component (for example, fade in or out, grow up or down, and more). This effect is applied each time the graph is redisplayed. |
Effect (line, area, scatter) | 设置"painting" mechanism for elements appearing in a line, area, or scatter graph. This effect is applied each time the graph is redisplayed. |
Delay | 设置number of seconds before a graph displays. If set to 0, the screen paints (or refreshes) immediately. |
Cascade delay | 设置number of seconds the graph takes to display all elements. The graph paints from left to right, starting after any delayed number of seconds. |
Changing styles
In theStylessection of the window, you canchange the CSS definitionsof the current bundle's predefined styles, and also add your own definitions:
Saving style bundles
When you have finished making changes, save your changes to the RapidMiner Server repository:
Saving method depends on whether it is a new or modified style bundle.
For an existing and modified bundle, click theSaveicon on the top of the window to save the changes to the same name.
For a new bundle, click theSave asicon on the top of the window.
In the resulting dialog, browse to the location in the RapidMiner Server repository and enter a name for the bundle.
Optionally, click theserver icon to set the style bundle as the default for all web apps. Individual apps can always be customized by overriding the style bundles on an app-by-app (or component-by-component) basis.
Applying style bundles
You can use your saved style bundles in any new or existing web app. From theNew apporEdit existing appwindow, simply browse to the repository location where the bundle is saved.
Highlight the style bundle you want to apply to the web app and click onSelect location.