

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.4 -Check here for latest version

RapidMiner Server Overview

RapidMiner Server is a performance-optimized application server where you can schedule and run your analytic processes and quickly return your results. It seamlessly integrates with not only RapidMiner Studio, but other enterprise data sources as well, allowing processes to continually update so that they reflect any changes to external data sources. With shared repositories and version management, contributors throughout your organization can — locally or remotely — collaborate, build interactive apps, and visualize results using HTML5 charts and maps.

Understanding the general infrastructure

There are several main components to a RapidMiner Server configuration:

Component Description
RapidMiner Studio RapidMiner Studio is where you build and edit analytic processes. RapidMiner Studio and RapidMiner Server connect and interact with each other, employing standard protocols. For each instance of RapidMiner Server, you can connect one or multiple RapidMiner Studio clients.
RapidMiner Server Although it is a separate application and requires a separate license, RapidMiner Server depends on RapidMiner Studio for operations. While you can run a process from RapidMiner Server, if you want to edit or change a process, you must make those changes through RapidMiner Studio. RapidMiner Server utilizes ahome directoryas a central place for server configuration and repository content.
RapidMiner Job Agent Job Agents are responsible to orchestrate execution on a node they are deployed. After an agent is running and connected to a queue it will start Job Containers whenever a process is available on the queue.
RapidMiner Job Container Job Containers are responsible to execute a process. Their lifecycle is managed by the Job Agent which started them.
RapidMiner Server repository Also accessible from RapidMiner Studio, theRapidMiner Server repositorycontains the RapidMiner Server processes and data. This content is stored within thehome directoryof RapidMiner Server.
Data sources The individual user data sources, for example, those used for model building. Connections allow you toconnect to databasesor toconnect to other data sources. Best practice suggests that you configure both RapidMiner Server and RapidMiner Studio with access to the data source. Connections to the data sources are used when building processes with operators such asRead DatabaseorWrite Amazon S3.
Operations database The RapidMiner Server database (schema) stores configuration files, cron job details, userdatabase you created report requests, and other internal RapidMiner data. You can use an existing database server or create a new one; it can reside locally or on a remote host. (The installation instructions providean exampleof creating a PostgreSQL database schema.)

RapidMiner Studio and RapidMiner Server communicate via HTTP(S); you must assign and open the communication port on each instance in the configuration. Although true for any configuration, in the case of multiple clients, access rights management is particularly important for preventing unauthorized user access to repositories.

RapidMiner Server and Job Agents

RapidMiner Server outsources execution (excluding executions triggered via Web Services) to an external entity called Job Agent. It does so by creating asynchronous queues to which it allows these agents to connect to. Agents receive process messages via these queues and send back information about their own status, the status of the processes they are executing and process logs if requested. AJob Containeris spawned before each process execution, these containers run in their own JVM as a standalone OS process. The JVM terminates once the process has finished executing. To learn more about Job Agents, you can read the pageInstallation > Job Agents, or read theREADME.mdfile inside the agent distribution.

Job Agents do not pick up existing executions in case they go down unexpectedly and boot up again. These executions have to be terminated manually by the administrator.

Using the RapidMiner Server repository

RapidMiner服务器存储库,with the local RapidMiner Studio repository, contains processes and data. This content is stored within thehome directoryof RapidMiner Server. Some details:

  • When you open theserver repoRapidMiner Server repository in theRepositoryview of RapidMiner Studio, the platforms collaborate, making the data and process available to both applications.

  • You create processes in RapidMiner Studio and then save them to theserver repoRapidMiner Server repository. They are available from both platforms.

  • Those processes reference data sources, which can exist directly in the RapidMiner Server repository, or can be referenced by connections that are used in operators.

  • Use the RapidMiner Server repository in the same way as you use the RapidMiner Studio local repository, although additionally, with correct permissions, users can share content.

Connecting to data sources

You can define connections on RapidMiner Server and assign appropriate access rights instead of individually configuring those connections for each user. RapidMiner Studio downloads all database and other connections available to the local user upon opening theserver repoRapidMiner Server repository.

RapidMiner Studio accesses a data source directly and must have access to the data through any local firewalls. RapidMiner Server may access the data source directly or through RapidMiner Studio and also needs firewall access.

RapidMiner工作室和RapidMiner服务器所需要的to have any JDBC drivers that you use for a database connection. If you are using a driver that is not packaged with RapidMiner software, install it on both platforms.

See thesection on creating connectionsfor complete details.

Connecting to the operations database

See theinstallation instructionsfor details of setting up the operations database. Be aware, however, that the operations database also requires a JDBC driver, which you configure during the installation process. Make certain that if you are using a driver that was not packaged with the RapidMiner software that you also install the driver on RapidMiner Studio.