

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.4 -Check here for latest version

Usage and injection

In RapidMiner Server there are two ways to list all connections which are accessible by the currently logged in user.

The first approach is to click on the menu itemRepositoryand then on连接in the Server web interface. All available connections are then shown in a list which also contains additional information if there are parameters where the currently logged in user has to set values in order to use the connection within a process.

The second approach is to use the default repository web view by clicking onBrowse Repositoryand then navigating to the folder pre-defined/Connectionsfolder which contains all connection RapidMiner Server has stored.

The following image shows the first approach's overview page and contains the example connection we've created in thecreating connectionarticle.

When clicking on the location or the connection name, you will be redirected to the connections details page.

The details page of a connection shows is a tabbed view of all information stored within a connection. Additionally you canset injected values准备connection to be run by you. This is outlined in the following section.

Inject user-specific parameter values during process execution

Values of parameters which are set toinjectedin a connection are retrieved by thesourcewhich has been selected in RapidMiner Studio. This section will outline RapidMiner Server as source for these injected user-specific values.

As long as no values are set for the user which browses the details page of a connection, a warning will be displayed that not all values have been set. To be able to run a process which uses this connection the currently logged in user needs to set their values for all injected parameters of the browsed connection.

Following our example from thecreationsection, we have to sethostin thedb_config选项卡,userandpasswordin thecredentialstab by clicking on theset injected valuesbutton in the connections details page on RapidMiner Server.

When all required values are set aTest connectionbutton is displayed. It can be used to test if a connection can be successfully established with the injected values from RapidMiner Server.

When the connection has been prepared successfully by setting required injected parameter values, the connection can be used in process execution issued by the user. To use it, simply drag the connection from the repository view in RapidMiner Studio into the process editor panel. This will insert the connection into the current process with the help of the检索operator. You can alsoshare your used connection by setting appropriate permissions.