

You are viewing the RapidMiner Developers documentation for version 9.7 -Check here for latest version

Python Library

RapidMiner provides aPython library on GitHubthat allows you to call the RapidMiner platform from Python. You can collaborate with others using the RapidMiner repository, run processes from Python scripts, and leverage the scalable infrastructure of RapidMiner Server.

We encourage you to check this package out to help with any of the following use cases. The installation is a one-liner using the Python package managerpip.

The package is especially useful if you:

  • work locally on the same data in RapidMiner and in Python.
  • 需要重用业务逻辑加固中存在dMiner process in Python.
  • develop Python code snippets that you may later use in a RapidMiner process. You can access the input data directly from your local RapidMiner repository without any additional export / import step.
  • are using Python primarily, but want to collaborate with colleagues using the RapidMiner platform. You can easily share any kind of data via the RapidMiner Server repository.
  • plan to leverage the scalable RapidMiner Server infrastructure directly from Python.
  • want to call a deployedReal-Time Scoringservice directly from Python.

Here are some code examples per use-case: