

You are viewing the RapidMiner Go documentation for version 9.7 -Check here for latest version

Install RapidMiner Go


To install RapidMiner Go on-premise, you need an on-premise license. Pleasecontact salesfor more information.

You need to have the following installed and running on your machine:

  • Docker >= v18.09
  • docker-compose >= 1.23

To read more how to install docker and docker-compose on your platform see:

You need to grant at least 8GiB of memory to the Docker Engine for acceptable performance.

Docker Images

The application is composed of several images:

  • rapidminer-automodel-routing:RoutingNGINX reverse proxy
  • rapidminer-automodel-rmid:RMID- authentication and authorization service
  • rapidminer-automodeler:RapidMiner Go- the automatic modeling and prediction service
  • rapidminer-automodel-job-container:Job Container- execution backend for RapidMiner Go
  • rapidminer-ui-event-tracking: EventTracking - analytics service

Each service can be customized by setting environment variables indocker-compose-services.yml.
For configuration options check the relevant sub-pages.

个人的形象服务available onDocker Hub


Pleasedownload and unzip the docker files here.

The full stack can be composed using two files:

  • docker-compose-infra.yml: contains all the infrastructural needs for the application stack
  • docker-compose-services.yml: contains all the services configured

To start the full stack execute the following steps:

  • Copy your RapidMiner Go license into the folderlicenses/rapidminer-go-on-prem
  • The license file can have any name, so long as it ends with.lic
  • Edit the.envfile and make sure to update the following:
AUTH_SECRET=your_base64_encoded_secret BASE_URL=https://localhost:30000
  • IMAGE_TAGs identify the build versions to be used for composing.
  • AUTH_SECRET is the secret used for signing and validating the authentication tokens used by the applications -- it has to be a Base64 encoded string.
  • BASE_URL is the external base URL visible on the frontend - e.g. https://localhost:30000

Docker based resource limitation

Further down you will find the default memory settings for the services. These are optimized for a 8GB of total RAM consumption where 4GB is used by the single JobContainer. If you plan to use multiple JobContainers in parallel please allocate additional 4GB RAM to each.


These values are filled into thememory_limitfield for each service in the docker-compose file. Inside the docker-compose file it is also possible to limit the number of cpus's via thecpusfield.

Finally the IMAGE_TAG's identify the image versions to be used for composing:


Important:The databases and the AMQ broker use the default passwords. It is not recommended to use these in production. Follow the guide below tochange the default passwords.

  • if you have already installed a previous version of RapidMiner Go - stop and remove running containers, remove docker images of previous versions before proceeding
  • Executedocker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml up -d
  • Executedocker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml up -d
  • Wait for ~2-3 minutes depending on your machine to have all the services available

To check logs of individual applications:

  • Executedocker-compose -f docker-compose-STACK.yml logs SERVICE_NAMEwhereSTACKis the postfix of the yml file's name andSERVICE_NAMEis the name of the service which logs you want to display (use compose yml's service names (which are the direct children ofservices:node, e.g.: rapidminer-automodeler)

To shut down the full stack:

  • First shut down services by executingdocker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml down
  • Then shut down infrastructure viadocker-compose -f docker-compose-infra.yml down


  • Open application on https://localhost:30000
  • the browser will warn you that the site is not secure - this is because of the self-signed certificate - for testing purposes you can add a security exception and proceed; if you plan to serve RapidMiner Go on plain HTTP you can find instructions at the bottom of this page
  • Useadminandchangeitfor user/password

  • For creating additional users checkRMID docs

Changing the default passwords

You should change the default database passwords for usersrmidandcookieindocker-entrypoint-initdb.d/

CREATE USER cookie WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'automodel_db_password'; ... CREATE USER rmid WITH ENCRYPTED PASSWORD 'rmid_db_password';

Then you should provide the same passwords by adding new environment variables to the services indocker-compose-services.yml:

rapidminer-automodeler: image: rapidminer/rapidminer-automodeler:${IMAGE_TAG} environment: ... DB_PASSWORD:  ... rapidminer-automodel-rmid: image: rapidminer/rapidminer-automodel-rmid:${IMAGE_TAG} environment: ... DB_PASSWORD:  ... rapidminer-ui-event-tracking: image: rapidminer/rapidminer-ui-event-tracking:${IMAGE_TAG} environment: ... DB_PASSWORD:  ...

The default database is PostgreSQL 9.6, exposed by default on port 5432 oflocalhost. Direct connections are possible via any database console or a tool such aspgAdmin. The default password can be changed indocker-compose-infra.yml

rapidminer-automodel-db: image: postgres:9.6.6 volumes: - rapidminer_automodel_dbdata:/var/lib/postgresql/data - ./docker-entrypoint-initdb.d:/docker-entrypoint-initdb.d environment: POSTGRES_PASSWORD: cookiepass POSTGRES_USER: cookie ports: - "5432:5432"

To further improve security, the ActiveMQ password should also be added as a new environment variable indocker-compose-infra.yml:

rapidminer-automodel-activemq: image: webcenter/activemq:5.13.1 environment: ... ACTIVEMQ_ADMIN_LOGIN: admin ACTIVEMQ_ADMIN_PASSWORD: admin ACTIVEMQ_OWNER_PASSWORD:  ... ports: - "8161:8161"

Then provide the same password as a new environment variable to services indocker-compose-services.yml:

rapidminer-automodeler: ... AMQ_PASSWORD:  ... rapidminer-automodel-job-container: ... AMQ_PASSWORD:  ...

An admin console is also exposed for ActiveMQ. Use theACTIVEMQ_ADMINcredentials to access the admin monitoring tool of ActiveMQ in your browser athttp://localhost:8161/admin/queues.jsp.


The default config uses HTTPS with a self-signed certificate issued for localhost.

Using certificate issued by certificate authority

If you already have a certificate:

  • copy the crt file tossl/certs/go.crtand
  • copy the private key file tossl/private/go.key

The file names and locations should be exactly as indicated. This wholesslfolder is mounted into the routing service container's file system.

Then edit the value ofSERVER_NAMEindocker-compose-servicesfor servicerapidminer-automodel-routingto match the 'Common name' specified in your certificate.

Optionally you might also want to change the port where RapidMiner Go listens -- the default port mapping is30000:443

Finally change the BASE_URL in.envto your domain - e.g.

Generating a self-signed certificate

You can generate your own self-signed certificate for testing purposes:

Run the following command and enter 'localhost' for 'Common name':

sudo openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout ssl/private/go.key -out ssl/certs/go.crt

Generate the dhparams file using the following command:

sudo openssl dhparam -out ssl/certs/dhparam.pem 2048

Finally setSERVER_NAMEto localhost.

Using HTTP

If you decide to use HTTP because RapidMiner Go is behind a reverse proxy doing the ssl offload, these are the steps to configure it:

Indocker-compose-services.ymlchange the following lines forrapidminer-automodel-routingservice:

  • PORTS: change port mapping to30000:80
  • PROTOCOL: sethttp
  • SERVER_NAME: setlocalhost

Finally change BASE_URL in.envfile to http://localhost:30000


RapidMiner Go frontend applications can be customized to use OEM branding. Starting with version 2.4.1, the following customizable properties are supported:

  1. RapidMiner Automodeler

    • 应用程序标题颜色
    • logo
    • favicon
    • application name: change "Go" to a preferred app name everywhere
    • Profile menu: hide completely or customize the menu items
    • Help menu: hide completely or customize menu items
  2. RapidMiner Identity (RMID)

    • 应用程序标题颜色
    • logo
    • favicon
    • application name

Steps to customize the application:

  1. Make sure thebrandingprofile is enabled in docker-compose-services.yml:

    • Automodeler: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: on-prem,db-postgresql,branding
    • RMID: SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE: on-prem,db-postgresql,is-db,branding
  2. Edit the images and theapplication-branding.ymlfiles insidebranding/amandbranding/rmid.

    • application-branding.ymldefines colors, menu items and app name
    • imagesfolder contains logo and favicon assets
      • logo dimensions should be 700 x 100
      • favicon should have at least the 16 x 16 pixel variant
  3. Rundocker-compose -f docker-compose-services.yml up -dagain.

To disable branding remove thebrandingprofile from SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE - application will display the default RapidMiner branding.

Important:Keep the file, folder and image namings.