

You are viewing the RapidMiner Radoop documentation for version 9.7 -Check here for latest version

Accessing Hive from Spark Script

Spark Scriptallows you to extend your processes with custom scripts. In those scripts you can access Hive tables / views directly and use HiveQL syntax if the cluster-side settings allow this. The purpose of this section is to go through the requirements to enable this feature.

Access to Hive in a Spark code is provided by蜂巢Contextin Spark 1.x (starting from Spark 1.5) and bySparkSessionin Spark 2.x. Both PySpark (Python) and SparkR (R) APIs have these features.Spark ScriptRadoop operator has a parameter calledenable Hive accessthat needs to be explicitly checked to enable these APIs in the script.

However, sharing data between the Hive warehouse and Spark requires appropriate security settings on the cluster. The component responsible for authorizing access may be different between these two components. This section is an overview on solving this issue. Technically speaking, you need to setup the access to the Hive warehouse on HDFS and to the Hive Metastore for the user running the Spark Script on the cluster.

The user running the Spark Script job on the cluster can be determined the following way:

  • When security (Kerberos authentication) is disabled, it is theHadoop Usernamein the Radoop connection.
  • When security is enabled, butuser impersonationis disabled, theClient Principalis translated to a user by theauth_to_localrules on the cluster (
  • When both security and user impersonation (Enable impersonation on server启用:

    • in Server it is the RapidMiner Server user;
    • in Studio theClient Principalis translated to a user by theauth_to_localrules on the cluster (, except whenImpersonated user for local testingis set (for testing purposes), in which case the user is the user specified in that field.

For simplicity, let's call this userrmuserand its grouprmgroupthroughout this section.

The two main requirements are:

  1. rmuser(orrmgroup)必须能够访问the Hive Metastore;

  2. rmuser(orrmgroup)必须能够访问the particular HDFS files / directories in the Hive warehouse directory (those files that belong to the Hive tables used in the script).

On a cluster with onlyStorage Based Authorization in Hive, the second requirement still means thatrmusermust have read / write permissions (depending on the operation) to the HDFS files and folders that contain the Hive table content. To generally make all types of operations possible in a Spark Script, the user must have all permissions (rwx) on the Hive warehouse directory on HDFS.

On a cluster with more advanced authorization components, the settings for these requirements depend on the authorization setup. The components responsible for authorization depend on the specific Hadoop distribution. You need to configure the component responsible for authorization (HDFS, Sentry, Ranger...) in way that allows this access.

Settings when using Apache Sentry for authorization

When Apache Sentry is used for authorization, thenhiveuser (the user running HiveServer2) and group owns the Hive warehouse directory, and usually no other users have access to the files inside. This means that the user thatrmuser(that runs the Spark job) does not have access to the contents of a table on HDFS. In order to properly allow access to these files for a user other thanhive, the following steps are required in case of Sentry authorization:

  1. 病重n on thesynchronization of Sentry Permissions and HDFS ACLs, and give required permissions tormuserorrmgroupeither in Sentry or using HDFS ACLs. You may decide to not turn on synchronization, but such a setup is not recommended by the Cloudera documentation.

  2. 该集团rmgroupalso needs access to the Hive Metastore. If that access is restricted, grant that access with the following steps (similar to theBlock the Hive CLI user from accessing the Hive metastoresteps in Cloudera documentation):

    1. In the Cloudera Manager Admin Console, select the蜂巢service.

    2. On the Hive service page, click the配置tab.

    3. In the search field, search for蜂巢Metastore Access Control and Proxy User Groups Overrideto locate thehadoop.proxyuser.hive.groupssetting.

    4. Click the plus sign to add the following group (replacermgroupwith the group that RapidMiner users belong to):rmgroup

    5. ClickSave Changes.

Specifying a custom Spark Version

Radoop does not rely on any Spark service on the cluster. It only requires a Spark Assembly (Spark 1.x) or a Spark Archive (Spark 2.x) on HDFS or on the local file system (on all nodes). But when using Hive access in Spark 1.x (Spark 1.5+) via蜂巢Context, Hive jar files must be added to the classpath of the job - this is done automatically by Radoop. To avoid problems from this,it is not recommended to use a custom Spark Assemblythat differs from what the Hadoop distribution shipswhen using Hive access in Spark 1.x scripts, because compatibility issues may arise. There is an explicit design-time warning inSpark Scriptoperator in Studio if different Spark versions exist on the classpath.