

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.7 -Check here for latest version

Upgrade RapidMiner Server 9.1+

This section describes updating RapidMiner Server from 9.1 and above to the latest version. It also describes the process for rolling back the upgrade.

Performing a upgrade

The upgrade process installs the new version of RapidMiner Server into a new installation directory. The new instance uses your existing RapidMiner Server home directory and existing database.

If necessary, rolling back an upgrade can only be performed by restoring a backup ofbothRapidMiner服务器主目录和快速Miner Server database – rolling back requires a consistent home directory and database. You can then reinstall the previous version of the application to the installation directory. Read theRollbacksection below for more details.

Stop the application

  1. Stop all connected Job Agents. Verify that you stopped every Job Agent by navigating to theQueues pageand check the connected agents per queue. There should always be the messageNo Job Agents connected.

  2. Stop RapidMiner Server. If running Windows, verify that all RapidMiner-related services have stopped.

Back up your data

We strongly recommended that youperform a backup of RapidMiner Server databefore making changes to the software version:

  1. Back up yourexternal databaseand confirm the backup was created properly. You can use the database native tools to create the backup.

  2. Back up your RapidMiner Serverhome directory.

Upgrade RapidMiner Server

With version 9.2 automatic synchronization of resources between RapidMiner Server and the connected Job Agents was introduced. Please read theresource management guideand check your setup and before upgrading to 9.2.

If you have installed RapidMiner Server as Windows Service please make sure to start the installer with administrator privileges, otherwise the RapidMiner Windows Service cannot be upgraded.

  1. Download the latest version of thefull server package.

  2. Unzip the installer

  3. Change to thebin/directory within the installer directory and run the start script.

  4. Choose theUpgrade an existing RapidMiner Servermode.

  5. Define the location of the new installation and the already existing home directory.

  6. Run the upgrade by clicking on theInstallbutton.

Start RapidMiner Server

  1. From the new installation folder, start RapidMiner Server.

  2. Log on to RapidMiner Server as admin and perform necessary migration steps.

Upgrade external Job Agents

For every external Job Agent:

  1. Download a new Job Agent archive for the correspondingQueue.

  2. Unzip the new Job Agent archive and place the extracted folder near the Job Agent you would like to update.

    For example:

    unzip -d rapidminer-jobagent-9.x/

    Note:The Job Agent folder in the archive is always calledrapidminer-jobagentso do not unzip it in the same folder as the old one as it will overwrite the old contents.

  3. Copy the old Job Agent home directory to the new one:

    cp -r {old-job-agent-directory}/home/ {new-job-agent-directory}/home/

  4. Start the new Job Agent and make sure it is visible on the Queues page. The name of the new Job Agent can be found in thehome/config/agent.propertiesfile.


To roll back an upgrade:

  1. Stop all connected Job Agents.

  2. Stop RapidMiner Server. If running Windows, verify that all RapidMiner-related services have stopped.

  3. Restore your RapidMiner Server database from backup. If unsure how to do so, try searching Google for the appropriate commands for your database type.

  4. Restore your RapidMiner Server home folder from backup.

  5. Start the old RapidMiner Server and the corresponding Job Agents.