

You are viewing the RapidMiner Server documentation for version 9.7 -Check here for latest version

Sharing and permissions

Connection permissions can be managed

  1. with repository actions and
  2. with the specialconnection managergroup.

Those two approaches are outlined in the following sections.

Repository access

连接arerepository itemsand thus can be managed in the same way. The only restriction is that they can just be stored within the pre-defined/Connectionsfolder which is automatically created when RapidMiner AI Hub is started for the first time.

If you like to share connections with multiple users or groups, please use the existingrepository access rights. The following image illustrates an example where the useranotherUseris granted read access.

This user is now able to view the shared connection within their connections overview. If some parameters are set toinjected,anotherUsercan now set them and use the connection.

Another way of sharing is just to copy an existing connection repository item to another location.

Special group 'connection manager'

Besides the standard repository actions there is a special group calledconnection manager. Only users with this group are allowed to create connections. This is useful if you like to restrict connection creation to special users and others should just be allowed to use them with their injected parameter values.