

You are viewing the RapidMiner Deployment documentation for version 9.9 -Check here for latest version

Image Architecture

RapidMiner Server cloud images are implemented asDocker images. We provide a base CentOS image with a Docker layer installed, and we start the additional components, including

as three separate Docker containers, using a Docker Compose definition similar to the sampledocker-compose.ymlconfiguration provided for theRapidMiner Server Docker image.

The PostgreSQL Docker container functions as thedatabase backend这些图像;the database username and password can be found in the file/rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml.

Connect to the instances using SSH


Both the Amazon AWS and Microsoft Azure cloud platforms provide SSH access to the server instances.

  • OnAmazon AWS, you can specify the SSH key-pair to use, and the SSH username is fixed (centos) in the image.
  • OnMicrosoft Azure, you can specify the ssh username and password or SSH key within the instance creation wizard.

Filesystem layout

After you connect to the image, you will find the RapidMiner Server files located in the/rapidminersubfolder.

  • docker/docker-compose.ymldefines the Docker containers, the network connections, the volumes and the required enviroment variables.
  • docker/rapidminer-homecontains the volume holding the persistent data in theRapidMiner Server home directory.
  • docker/pgsqlcontains the volume holding the persistent data in the the PostgreSQL database.

Configure RapidMiner Server

To configure RapidMiner Server, you follow one of two paths:

  • The usual way: theRapidMiner Server home directorypage describes the location ofextensions,JDBC driversandlicenses.
  • The Docker way: in thedocker-compose.ymlconfiguration file, you can change the predefined values of the environment variables:

    • Define an external database (e.g. use an RDS instance in AWS) by setting the database-related environment variables in therapidminer-serverservice.
    • Redefine the resource allocation for Job Agents by setting the environment variables in thejob-agentservice.

Restart the Docker instances

After any configuration changes, you should restart RapidMiner Server or the Job Agents by restarting the Docker containers, with (in the simplest cases) the following commands:

sudo docker-compose -f /rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml down sudo docker-compose -f /rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml up -d

Check the logs

The logs for RapidMiner Server, Job Agent, or PostgreSQL database are written to the Docker container's console. The logs for RapidMiner Server are also written torapidminer-home /日志/ server.log. To check the Docker container console outputs, you can execute one of the following commands (and terminate it by hitting Ctrl+C):

sudo docker-compose -f /rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml logs -f rapidminer-server sudo docker-compose -f /rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml logs -f job-agent sudo docker-compose -f /rapidminer/docker/docker-compose.yml logs -f database