

You are viewing the RapidMiner Deployment documentation for version 9.9 -Check here for latest version

Docker images for RapidMiner Landing Page

This container implements theRapidMiner Landing Page, which serves as the entry point to all users and administrators after login, providing easy access to all features. This container also implements theToken Generator, depending on environment variable inputs (see below).

For available versions, please see thetags on Docker Hub.


  • Volumes:
    • deployed-services-vol: docker volume to list installed components in the platform, maps internally to/rapidminer/deployed-services/. Should not be changed.
    • rm-landing-page-vol: docker volume that persists session revocation information, needed for Single Log-Out functionality. Maps internally to/var/www/html/uploaded/. Should not be changed.
  • Ports: none.
  • Environment variables:
    • SSO_PUBLIC_URL,SSO_IDP_REALM,SSO_CLIENT_ID,SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: RapidMiner Identity and Security configuration. Filled automatically bythe init service.
    • DEBUG: defaults tofalse.
    • PUBLIC_URL: the public URL of the deployment.
    • CUSTOM_CONTENT: set it toget-tokento use the container as the Token Generator.
    • CUSTOM_URL_SUFFIX: the URL suffix where the service will be available.
    • SSO_CUSTOM_SCOPE: additional custom scope information needed for Token Generator. Should not be changed.