

You are viewing the RapidMiner Legacy documentation for version 9.9 -Check here for latest version

Special groups

RapidMiner Server provides a set of special groups which serve a pre-defined purpose, for example users within such a group are granted additional permissions. The following page explains all available special groups and their role within RapidMiner Server.

Name Description
users By default, every account is added to this group.
execute Group members are allowed to submit processes.
scheduler Group members are allowed to manage schedules.
service Group members are allowed to manage web services.
analyst Group members are allowed to view the management interfaces.
administrator Group members are administrators and are granted any permission.
connection manager Group members are allowed to create connections within the repository.
report editor Group members are allowed to edit WebApps.
report manager Group members are allowed to manage Domains and WebApps.
report viewer Group members are allowed to view WebApps.