

You are viewing the RapidMiner Legacy documentation for version 9.9 -Check here for latest version

What's New in RapidMiner Server 9.5.0?

Released:November 5th, 2019

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.5.0:


  • Provide an instant execution unit (Persistent Job Container) to execute jobs without additional boot-up delay
    • Addjobagent.container.listenPortRangeStartto define the starting port of spawned Job Containers
    • Addjobagent.container.listenAddressto define the listen address for all spawned Job Containers
    • Job Agent will gracefully shutdown by default and wait for each Job Container. Optional timeout can be defined via the propertyjobagent.shutdown.timeoutin ms
    • Add the ability to automatically schedule restarts for all Persistent Job Containers
      • Addjobagent.restart.policyto define the selected policy
      • Addjobagent.restart.cronExpressionto define a cron expression for restart scheduling
      • Addjobagent.restart.maxJobsto define a maximum amount of executed jobs per Job Container before a restart is scheduled
      • Addjobagent.restart.timeoutto set a maximum wait time for jobs which are still running on Job Containers (graceful restart) before restarting them forcibly
    • Add log rotation for all Persistent Job Containers
  • Provide endpoints to manage system settings via REST API
  • Schedules can now be edited in the web interface
  • Submission and schedule API supports now an execution time limit per process, this limit will be displayed on the execution details and scheduler page
  • For vanilla installations the installer will now configure RapidMiner Server to use system-wide definedJAVA_HOME或java二进制路径by default
  • Bundle jasypt to easily encrypt LDAP properties if needed
  • Increased the HTTP parameter limit for new installations from 512 to 2048 characters
  • Changed the default JDBC driver class in RapidMiner Server installer for MySQL 8 connector
  • Updated third party dependencies


  • Job execution duration is now correctly displayed in the Executions and Execution details pages when its value is zero
  • Fixed the Executions page crashing when theEnterkey is pressed within the Submission date filter
  • Stop job request button now works correctly when the auto page update is enabled in the Executions page
  • Toggling the filter panel in the Executions page no longer reset the filters