

You are viewing the RapidMiner Support documentation for version 9.9 -Check here for latest version

Articles and Q&A: For Community and Enterprise

RapidMiner technical support begins by logging into theSupport home page:

All RapidMiner Technical Support users have access to Articles and Q&As. Enterprise customers additionally can use the Case system. The Support delivery options:

Number Name Description Available to...
1 Articles Brief summaries, with clear and concise directions, that respond to frequently asked questions. Articles can be easily searched by keyword or browsed by topic. In search results,Articlesare indicated by theArticlesicon. Community and Enterprise
2 Q&As Allows you to submit a question, respond to another user's question, and browse previous questions (displayed with a user-rated response). In search results,Q&Asare indicated by theQnAicon. Community and Enterprise
3 Cases Acomprehensive support offeringfor Enterprise customers,Casesprovides issue resolution within a specified time period. Enterprise


SearchArticles使用关键字,描述你的问题,为help on a specific issue. To search, enter key word(s) in the input field and clickSearch. Alternatively, you can browse by topic through the available content. Search results return bothArticlesandQ&Asthat match your query.

For example, if you would like to add a new database driver for use with RapidMiner Server, you could enter the search terms "server database driver." The system returns a pop-up of results, from which you can select anArticle. Or, clickSearchto return matching documents to a results page.

Click on an entry for detailed instructions.Articlestypically include:

  • Problem description — Used to add clarity for more complex problems and to help you evaluate whether the article is applicable to your issue.
  • Problem guide — Instructions on how to resolve the problem.

Follow the instructions carefully to resolve your problem.

When you are finished, consider rating theArticleto help us improve the clarity and accuracy of the instruction. We appreciate it!

Using Q&A

You can search, ask, or answer questions usingQ&As. SearchQ&Asusing the same keyword technique asArticlesuses.


If browsing doesn't turn up the information you need, you can post your question for community response (which includes RapidMiner technical personnel). To post a question to the user community:

  1. ClickPost a public questionin the menu on the right.

  2. Select aTopicfrom the drop-down menu.

  3. Enter a relevant — and catchy — title for your question. The more precise your question, the easier it is for those browsing to be helpful (which will drive up the response rate).

  4. Complete the description by providing content and background about your question. Describe your problem in detail. You cannot upload files or screenshots, but you can include external links (for example, using Dropbox) to useful clues.

    • What is your situation and what are you trying to do?
    • What did you do just before the problem occurred? Describe every step that seems relevant.
    • Did you get an error message? Copy the exact message into the description.
    • Do log files contain useful information? Copy and paste therelevant parts.
    • Is a process not behaving as you expect? Copy and paste theXML.

  5. Complete the form and clickAsk Question. Your question immediately appears on the Support home page under the topic you selected.

  6. At your convenience, check back at the Support site for responses.

Files cannot be attached to public questions. Instead, search the logs for errors and exceptions (use time stamps to help) and copy the relevant rows into the description.

的entire content of your question will be publicly visible to everyone. Donotenter private data such as passwords and names.

的following log files are available:

File Location Description
rapidminer-studio.log .RapidMinersubdirectory of the user home directory RapidMiner Studio log file.
launcher.log .RapidMinersubdirectory of the user home directory Information about the startup process (for problems starting RapidMiner).
log \standalone\log RapidMiner Server log files. By default, each day RapidMiner Server logs all activity and change files.

Note that you can also access log file information from within RapidMiner Studio. Open theLogview. Any error encountered after the splash screen is contained in this log file display.

To supply a process with your question, copy the XML representation of the process. To copy the XML:

  1. In RapidMiner Studio, open theXMLview (from theView > Show View > XMLmenu item).

  2. Select the complete text and copy it to the clipboard.

  3. Paste it into the description.

If you would like feedback on a process or RapidMiner operator use, include a sample process showing the problem. That is, recreate the process making sure it can run either without data or with an included sample data set. Your sample should not depend on any external resources, such as files or databases, since users trying to answer will not have access to those dependencies.

Note that a process definition may contain passwords, if you are specifying them as an operator parameter. Be sure to check for — and replace — any private data.

Answering a question

We welcome and encourage community members to respond to user questions. To answer a question:

  1. Browse questions from theQnARecent Q&Atopics on theSupport home page.

  2. If you see a topic you can contribute to, click the link. You can see any previous responses.You are free (and encouraged) to contribute.

  3. Type your response in theAnswerbox. Here are some guidelines for answering:

    • Give explicit, clear, and precise instruction.
    • Answer at a level appropriate to the user asking the question. (An expert user's approach may not help a beginner.)
    • Be sure to include all the steps necessary to resolve the problem.

Remember, a precise and easy-to-follow answer will be rewarded with a good rating!

Using Cases

If you're an Enterprise customer, you can use theCasesoption to provide guaranteed, personalized problem resolution if your problem isn't answered by one of the options above.