Python Scripting Extension - Release Notes

Version 9.8.0

Release date: Oct 13, 2020


  • Stopping a process withExecute Pythonnow kills the already started Python process as well.
  • Newly installed environments now become immediately available in Job Agent or Web Service execution without restart.

Version 9.7.1

Release date: Jun 24, 2020


  • Empty data set on theExecute Pythoninput no longer throwsEmptyDataError
  • When a .py or .ipynb file is dropped onto the canvas from outside of Studio, the path parameter is now correctly set
  • More descriptive error message is thrown if a date value outside of the allowed range of datetime is used inExecute Pythoninstead of "Python int too large to convert to C long"
  • Fixed potential false warning regarding missingrm_mainmethod when a script file is used in

Version 9.7.0

Release date: Jun 3, 2020

When upgrading RapidMiner Server to version 9.7 or later, you must also update the Python Scripting Extension to version 9.7.

New Features

  • As the new repositories support storing arbitrary files, support for dragging and dropping.pyand.ipynbfiles to the canvas has been introduced. RapidMiner Studio will take care of creating the necessary operators.
    • Note: no adjustments are made to the code when dragging and dropping, so users still need to take care of creating the rm_main function so the code will get executed properly. A run-time error will be displayed if this is not done.


  • Added support for projects, so therapidminerPython library can function correctly.


  • Optional hidden parameter (rapidminer.python_scripting.shell_command) added to avoid potential freeze during extension initialization on Linux and macOS(default value:bash -l -i -c)

Version 9.6.0

Release date: Feb 25, 2020

New Features

  • Macros are now accessible inExecute Pythonin an optional dict parameter. Their value can be modified in the script.


  • Pandas 1.0+ is now supported


  • 在DataFrame细胞不再ca类数组值use error when the DataFrame is returned on the output
  • Irrelevant potentialDtypeWarningwhile loading an input is suppressed now

Version 9.5.0

Release date: Dec 11, 2019

New Features

  • None at this time.


  • Improved robustness of Python execution on Mac and Linux systems
  • Improved data handover between RapidMiner and Python (expected to be faster, but slightly increased memory footprint)


  • FixedNoSuchMethodErrorwhenExecute Pythonis used in a web service on Server
  • Macros are now also substituted if you are using a .py or .ipynb file in Execute Python
  • False "Cannot retrieve file name" warning message is no longer logged
  • (Bugfixes listed below apply if you use anExecute Pythonoperator withCompatibility levelabove 9.3.1)
  • ExampleSets containing multiline text are now handled correctly
  • Special characters in attribute names, roles and nominal values are now handled correctly
  • Time zone in date types is now handled correctly
  • Boolean nominal values are no longer converted to "True" and "False"
  • Explicit errors are now thrown whenrm_metadatasettings are in conflict with the values in thedataframe
  • Empty nominal value remains an empty string and no longer becomes missing value