

Create a process

The process that you will expose via an endpoint URL lives within aproject. During development, you would normally configure the endpoint so that every time the project is updated, the associated endpoints also are updated -- automatically.

Consider, for example, the projecttest-1030-beta2, whose purpose is to identify the type of Iris via the length and width of its sepals and petals. Within this project, the Iris folder has five components: 3 processes, one model, and one data set. One of the processes,TrainIrisModel, is used to train a Decision Tree model namedIrisModelbased on theIrisdata set:

While in this case model training is quick, normally you wouldnotinclude model training as part of an endpoint process, because it is more efficient to firstStorethe model and then检索the model within a second process, the process that is actually exposed in the endpoint URL.

In our example, that second process is calledScoreIrisData; in this process the检索operator loads theIrisModelthat was created and stored in the first process. The input data (and therefore the results) are lacking, but when werequest the results, we will POST our input data to the endpoint URL, and in return we will get a prediction.

For easier local testing of this process you can take any of the following steps:

  • drag and drop your test data on the input port,
  • assign your test data to the input port via thecontext panel, or
  • embedScoreIrisDatain anExecute Processoperator, with your test data as input.

Within the context of RapidMiner Studio, your test data has RapidMiner's standard data table format (.rmhdf5table), but in the context of endpoints, you will POST your data inJSON format. The Web API agent converts JSON to.rmhdftablebefore executing the process.

Note that In general, an endpoint can deliver any result that can be created by RapidMiner; it is not limited to processes that involve models and predictions.

Nevertheless, if your process involves long-running processes, such as model-building, you will be better served by thejob execution infrastructure.

Next:Create an endpoint