

Change the default port for RapidMiner AI Hub

To change the default port for RapidMiner AI Hub, modify thedefault deployment instructionsin the following way, using port85and the HTTP protocol as an example.

Edit the .env file

Open the .env file and modify the variables


to include the requested protocol and port, similar to the following:

# Public domain of the deployment # Public URL of the deployment that will be used for external access (Public domain + protocol + port) PUBLIC_URL= # Public domain of the SSO endpoint that will be used for external access. In most cases it should be the same as the PUBLIC_DOMAIN # Public URL of the SSO endpoint that will be used for external access. In most cases it should be the same as the PUBLIC_URL SSO_PUBLIC_URL=

Edit docker-compose.yml

docker-compose开放。yml,使following changes:

  • Change theports:mapping of theproxyservice from 80:80 to85:80. If not needed, then delete/comment out the port mapping for 443.
  • Remove all the ${PUBLIC_DOMAIN}networks:aliases from theproxy.

The result should resemble the following:

services: proxy: image: "${REGISTRY}rapidminer-proxy:${PROXY_VERSION}" hostname: proxy .......... ports: - #- networks: go-proxy-net: aliases: - proxy #- ${PUBLIC_DOMAIN} platform-int-net: aliases: - proxy #- ${PUBLIC_DOMAIN} jupyterhub-user-net: #aliases: #- ${PUBLIC_DOMAIN}

Run docker compose

As usual, run docker compose with the following steps:

docker compose up -d deployment-init

and after a few minutes, when this first command has completed:

docker compose up -d