

Docker images for Dashboards

There are two Docker images connected to RapidMiner'sDashboards:

You can read a description for each container below.

These containers are only functional when deployed together, they will not function as intended individually. Check ourdeployment templatesto see how these should be deployed.

Dashboards Proxy

This container translates the queries and data requests coming fromDashboardsto RapidMiner Server API calls and provides the results in the format expected byDashboards.

For available versions, please see thetags on Docker Hub.


  • Volumes: none.
  • Ports: the proxy service listens on port 5000 for the incoming queries. No need to expose externally.
  • Environment variables
    • RAPIDMINER_URL: internal address (including protocol, hostname and port) of the RapidMiner Server instance in the deployment (e.g.http://rm-server-svc:8080)
    • TZ: time zone specification based on the TZ database format (e.g.America/New_York)


This container contains the Dashboards tool with a preinstalled RapidMiner Server Data Source plugin and a some additional visualization plugins.

For available versions, please see thetags on Docker Hub.


  • Volumes
    • /var/lib/grafana: volume mount for persistent storage. All the plugins, dashboards and configurations are stored here.
  • Environment variables:
    • PUBLIC_URL: the public URL of the deployment.
    • GRAFANA_URL_SUFFIX: the URL suffix where Dashboards will be served. TheRapidMiner Proxywill redirect requests arriving to this suffix.
    • SSO_PUBLIC_URL,SSO_IDP_REALM,SSO_CLIENT_ID,SSO_CLIENT_SECRET: RapidMiner Identity and Security configuration. Filled automatically bythe init service.
    • TZ: time zone specification based on the TZ database format (e.g.America/New_York).
    • You can use standardGrafana environment variables,就像GF_SECURITY_ADMIN_PASSWORDorGF_SERVER_ROOT_URL.