

Install and Upgrade Extensions

Your RapidMiner Server and Job Agents in your platform deployment are shipped without any RapidMiner marketplace extensions.

You can view existing extensions in theManagement -> Extensionspage inside RapidMiner Server's user interface.

Extensions are synchronized automatically with each Job Agent, butnotwith Scoring Agents. See more information aboutsynchronization of resources for Job Agentsin the proper documentation section.

In addition, users of RapidMiner Server can view available Operators inside the Server's user interface when going to theManagement -> Operatorspage.

Nevertheless, you probably like to install some Marketplace extensions to extend the pool of Operators being available during Server execution inside theScoring Agentor theJob Agents.Here are a few extensions which are frequently used and very useful:

Bundled/pre-installed extensions will get automatically upgraded when you upgrade your Server and Job Agent containers. See theupgrade instructionsfor more details.

Copy the extension to RapidMiner Server container

When using a single machine deployment and eitherdocker-composeor ourcloud images, follow these steps to install or upgrade your extensions:

  1. Download the extension JAR file from theRapidMiner Marketplaceand copy it to your host machine by using e.g.scp
  2. Open a secure terminal to your host machine
  3. Retrieve the container ID of your AI Hub Backend container by issuingdocker ps.Note the ID of the container which runs therapidminer-aihubimage.
  4. Copy the extension JAR file to the AI Hub Backend container by issuingdocker cp :/aihub/home/resources/extensions/
  5. Restart RapidMiner Server by issuingdocker-compose restart aihub-backend.这个扩展将自动售货机同步ically to all Job Agents.