

Job Archive

Job Cleanuponly considers archived jobs.

RapidMiner AI Hub uses theJob Archivefeature to keep the working database tables small. Past jobs which are in a final state likeFINISHED,ERROR,STOPPEDorTIMEDOUTare automatically moved to dedicated archive database tables. In addition to the final state deciding if a job is being archived, the last update of a job is the second factor for it (seeJOBSERVICE_SCHEDULED_ARCHIVE_MAX_AGEproperty).

By default, theExecutionswebinterface page will only show jobs which are pending, being executed or have not been archived yet.

To view archived jobs, press theShow archived executionscheckbox in the web interface.

The following image shows four jobs in theJob Archive, all of them being stopped or finished successfully. Archived jobs can only be viewed and not stopped again.

To change the behavior when and how frequently jobs are being archived, the following environment variables can be set: 1.JOBSERVICE_SCHEDULED_ARCHIVE_ENABLED: Aboolean(trueorfalse) value to determine if the Job Archive is enabled or disabled. By default, the Job Archive feature is enabled.

  1. JOBSERVICE_SCHEDULED_ARCHIVE_CRON_EXPRESSION: This property defines the point in time when the archiving will be executed with the help of a cron expression. By default, the archive task is configured to runevery 5 minutes. It follows the cron pattern . So0 */30 * * * *would run the job archive task every 30 minute whereas0 0 0 * * *would run it daily.

  2. JOBSERVICE_SCHEDULED_ARCHIVE_MAX_AGE: This property defines the maximum age of potential candidates for jobs to be archived inminutesin addition to the job being in a final state. By default, this value is set to5 minutes. Set this to any arbitrary number greater than zero. Please note that the property value needs to reflect the execution time of the task itself (seeJOBSERVICE_SCHEDULED_ARCHIVE_CRON_EXPRESSION). If you like to archive all jobs which are older than 2 minutes, you also need to run the task at least every 2 minutes.