

RapidMiner Scoring Agent standalone deployment

RapidMiner Scoring Agent's infrastructure can be installed in several different ways:

Here we discuss an additional alternative, not involving Docker or Kubernetes, that may be more suitable for edge computing or other cases where resources are limited.

The starting point is one of several ZIP files, depending on the standalone operating system, that can be found on


  1. If it is not yet installed, install Java 11 (e.g., OpenJDK 11) on the standalone operating system.

  2. Unpack the RapidMiner Scoring Agent ZIP file and notice the following files and folders:

    • contains additional detailed instructions
    • bin/migrate-home- a shell script tomigrate from version 9 to version 10
    • bin/rapidminer-scoring-agent- a shell script to start the scoring agent
    • dist/linux-service/- (Linux only) a folder containing systemd service files
    • home/config/ a file that configures scoring agent options
    • home/deployments/- a folder for your RapidMiner deployments, in ZIP format
    • home/resources/extensions/- a folder for extensions
    • home/resources/licenses/- a folder for licenses
  3. Install / configure alicense.

    The defaultlicense.modeis


    If you wish to use a RapidMiner license, set the following property inhome/config/


    Choose one of the following:

    • ALTAIR_STANDALONE- Inhome/config/, uncomment and set the path for the .dat node lock license file:

    • ALTAIR_UNIT- see the details inhome/config/

    • RAPIDMINER(Scoring Agent license) -, underLicenses > Scoring Agent, you can install the Scoring Agent license as:

    • RAPIDMINER(RapidMiner Server license) -, underLicenses > AI Hub / Server, you can install the RapidMiner Server license as:


      In this case, you also need to uncomment the following line inhome/config/

      #scoring-agent.enable-server-license = true
  4. (optional) Install extensions.

    If you need them, simply download extensions from RapidMiner'smarketplaceand place them into


    They will be picked up and initialized after a successful restart of the application.

    You can also remove extensions, please be sure to restart the application in that case as well.

  5. Install the RapidMiner ZIP files you wish to deploy.

    To create a deployment ZIP, follow the instructions inCreate a deployment file from Projects. The result is a ZIP file that you will place inhome/deployments, for example a deployment called


    with the following contents:

    repository repository/ScoreIrisData.rmp repository/IrisModel.rmmodel config.json

    Notice that theconfig.jsonfile identifies thebasePath(in this case, "iris") and all the callable processes in the deployment (in this case "ScoreIrisData").

  6. Run the shell script to start the scoring agent.

    Once you have configured the scoring agent and inserted your deployment ZIP, it's time to start the scoring agent!

    sh bin/rapidminer-scoring-agent
  7. Request results.

    In general, scoring works as described inScore data.

    Using our deployment as an example, you can call the ScoreIrisData process as follows:

    curl - x \ - h”内容类型:应用cation/json" \ --data @iris.json \ http://localhost:8090/api/v1/services/iris/scoreirisdata

    with the following example fileiris.json:

    { "data":[ { "a1": 5.1, "a2": 3.5, "a3": 1.4, "a4": 0.2 } ] }

    Note that in JSON files,trailing commas are not permitted.