

What's New in RapidMiner Server 9.2.0?

Released:February 05th, 2019

The following describes the enhancements and bug fixes in RapidMiner Server 9.2.0:


  • Added new upgrade option to RapidMiner Server installer which supports upgrading RapidMiner Server version 9.1 and above
  • Home folder of the bundled Job Agent has been moved to thejob-agent-home/directory of theRapidMiner Server home
  • Overcome the 2GB upload limit of JBoss
  • Centrally managed resources for RapidMiner Job Agents. Install extensions, JDBC drivers, custom libraries and licenses once, use everywhere. Seeautomatic synchronization of resourcesfor more details
  • Added installer log file to server home directory after installation/upgrade
  • Improved progress report during installation


  • Fixed handling of Server home paths which contain special characters
  • Fixed ordering of Job Agents on Queue page
  • Fixed handling of repository max size check